

I worked with Dr. Cole’s team after years of chronic health issues. Everyone that I worked with was genuine, caring & took the time to listen & understand what I was going through (shoutout specifically to Ryanne). His Autoimmune Reset was a game changer for me. When I started about four months ago, I didn’t really know what to expect because I had tried SO many things & didn’t see the results I was looking for. Healing isn’t linear & I know this will be an ongoing process but I have made so many improvements. Improved energy, decreased brain fog, decreased anxiety, better mood, better sleep are just a few benefits I saw once working with Dr. Cole’s team. I use to not be able to work more than a few hours/day & would avoid doing things I once considered fun because I didn’t know if I’d get too fatigued or overwhelmed. Now I feel like I’m really getting back to my old self. Sometimes I’ll be doing something, like going on a hike, and realize how much my life has improved. Most days, I happy to just feel like a

“normal” person again but sometimes I feel even better beyond that & I’m grateful to live the life l’ve been missing out on for the past 6-7 years while struggling with my health. Thank you Dr. Cole, Ryanne & everyone else who has been a part in my healing journey!

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