In America

50M Americans have Autoimmune Diseases. In comparison, cancer affects up to 9M Americans and heart disease up to 22M Americans.

It is estimated that 83% of Americans who have Celiac Disease are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with other conditions.

Today there are close to 100 recognized autoimmune diseases, and an additional 40 disease processes that have an autoimmune component.
Healthcare Costs

NIH estimates annual direct health care costs for AD to be in the range of $100B.
There are two reasons as to why you could be experiencing symptoms of autoimmunity, but still feel like your problems are not being addressed. One issue is stage 2 on the Autoimmune spectrum called Autoimmune reactivity. This is when you have unexplained symptoms but your immune system has not damaged enough of your body to be labeled as a disease and then given a medication.
Autoimmune Disease
That leads us to the second issue, Autoimmune Disease. This is when enough body destruction has occurred to warrant a proper diagnosis by mainstream care.
While mainstream medicine has to wait until you are sick enough to diagnose you with a disease to prescribe medication, Functional Medicine can take action now on your health.
In Functional Medicine we do not want to wait until you are too sick and some damage is not reversible. We want to address these issues before progression has taken place.
So whether you are dealing with Silent Autoimmunity, Autoimmune reactivity, or Autoimmune Disease our goal is always to address your health as a whole, meet you where you are at wherever you are on the autoimmune spectrum and find the true cause of the issues and symptoms you are having.
Start Your Health Journey Today
Functional medicine provides a method for re-balancing the body’s underlying physiological systems and addressing lifestyle issues that contribute to illness. Our virtual and local functional medicine programs offer a natural approach to understanding the terrain of autoimmune problems, allowing your biology’s inherent healing forces to be unleashed and chronic illness to be resolved quickly. Get started from the comfort of your home through convenient webcam consultations wherever you may be in the world or be seen in person, locally in Pittsburgh, PA.