The Intuitive Fasting Quiz

Are you a hangry sugar-burner or an energetic fat-burner? Let's find out. The quiz from the new book Intuitive Fasting.


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  • Intermittent fasting has gained popularity for its many health benefits, including weight management, improved metabolic health, restored energy levels, and enhanced cognitive function by switching you from being a hangry sugar-burner to an energetic fat-burner. Unfortunately, far too many of us have spent years relying on sugar as our main source of fuel, resulting in out of control inflammation, gut problems, and poor metabolic health. With the flexible plan in my book Intuitive Fasting, you can start a new cycle by breaking free of the metabolic health problems that have been keeping you sick and tired. But the question is, where do you stand in terms of your metabolic health? Take my quiz and find out if you need to become more metabolically flexible (aka a fat-burner) and how intermittent fasting can work for you.

    Approximate Time: 5 minutes

Fasting Articles

Benefits And Tips For Trying The Daniel Fast

The Daniel Fast is a diet based on a Bible story in which Daniel ate specific foods for 21 days while praying. Here’s what to eat and avoid on the Daniel Fast.
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How Fasting Triggers Autophagy, The Key To A Longer Life

Fasting, whether by intermittent fasting, periodic fasting, or fasting-mimicking diets, triggers autophagy. This process contributes to an increased lifespan.
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A Guide To Intermittent Fasting To Heal Your Gut

One of the best benefits of intermittent fasting is better gut health. IF can diversify your microbiome, reduce inflammation, and speed up your metabolism.
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The Evidence-Based Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting can benefit your body in a ton of ways! The most frequent I see with my patients are improvements in digestion, brain fog, and energy.
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Commune Launches Dr Will Cole Intermittent Fasting Course

Unlock health benefits beyond weight loss with Intermittent Fasting: reduce inflammation, boost metabolism, and cultivate intuitive eating.
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The Pros + Cons Of Intermittent Fasting, According To A Functional Medicine Expert Dr. Will Cole

The Pros + Cons Of Intermittent Fasting, According To A Functional Medicine Expert

Want to try intermittent fasting? Dr. Will Cole’s expert advice on intermittent fasting and what you need to know first before trying it.
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