



Megan and the entire team at Dr. Cole’s office are simply outstanding! Their comprehensive approach to functional medicine has been eye-opening for me. The thorough evaluations and tailored treatment plans have improved issues that traditional medicine overlooked. Megan and the staff are incredibly supportive and friendly. I appreciate how Megan listens and explains everything in ... Continue Reading

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I cannot say enough positive things about my experience under Dr. Will Cole's care. Prior to starting he Autoimmune Health Reset, I had been to countless doctors, had thousands of dollars' worth of tests done both in the allopathic and naturopathic realms- all of which was inconclusive and left me feeling defeated and still very ... Continue Reading

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I finally feel like I have found someone to help me get to the route of my symptoms and who will help me create a plan to address these issues. Andrea is extremely thorough and took the time to explain all test results to me. So grateful to have found Dr. Cole and his team!

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Dr. Will Cole's team has helped me uncover the cause of several challenges with my health. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune and was told that my only option was an immunosuppressant injection for the rest of my life and there was no effort to identify the cause of this autoimmune or any other challenges ... Continue Reading

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An extraordinary program, chock full of support and information, that has given me back my mind and body after years of despair!

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If you are serious about getting healthier, the anti-inflammation plan through Dr. Will Cole will change your life… for the better. Although I had worked with a dietician when I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis and gotten some good results, it ended up being a diet that limited my food choices to about 15 different ... Continue Reading


I am so grateful to have had the support of Dr. C and his staff as we have worked on various health issues during the past few years. It is because of them that I have a truly amazing quality of life at 72 yrs old. I scheduled my first session with Dr. Cole because ... Continue Reading

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After experiencing an alarming autoimmune issue after successfully beating cancer four years prior, I saught help from Dr. Cole and his amazing staff. If you truly wish to engage in your own healing, want to be heard, gain understanding, and can relax within knowledge of the fact that you are truly In the best of ... Continue Reading


Thank you to Dr. Will Cole and his team for their incredible knowledge and dedication to their clients. I have been battling a myriad of health issues: mold, Lyme, EBV, MCAS/Histamine for years with little to no improvement regardless of what protocols I have been on. Dr. Will Cole's team dug deeper into my health ... Continue Reading


Dr. Will Cole and his team of health coaches have been lifesavers! After decades of suffering from various health issues (chronic inflammation, joint pain, debilitating fatigue, weight loss resistance, brain fog, SIBO, leaky gut), I have finally found solutions and a path forward through his Autoimmune Health Reset program. The only help I received from ... Continue Reading


I saw the improvement my wife experienced working with Will Cole's office and this encouraged me to become a patient. The staff provided a very comprehensive assessment and interpretation of my initial health, providing me with a clear path for my journey to improve my health with functional medicine. I am impressed with my experience.

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I want to thank Dr. Cole's team for their AHR program and coaching! It was a life-changing experience! I have had major health issues my entire life and the comprehensive resources and support from their amazing coaches and calls made all the difference in my health and healing journey. I highly recommend this program and ... Continue Reading


I have several chronic health issues for which my traditional Western doctors were prescribing medications. These were merely band-aids masking my symptoms. Dr. Will Cole and his health coaches are phenomenal, kind, empathetic, and extremely knowledgeable. Their guidance through Zoom meetings and their health portal has changed my life for the better. The health portal ... Continue Reading

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Dr. Will Cole and his team of health coaches have been lifesavers! After decades of suffering with various health issues (chronic inflammation, joint pain, debilitating fatigue, weight loss resistance, brain fog, SIBO, leaky gut), I have finally found solutions and a path forward in his Autoimmune Health Reset program. The only help I got from ... Continue Reading

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Dr. Cole has helped me with my overall health; physical and mental. His approach to helping me learn about my own bio-individuality has allowed me to truly learn what I need to feel healthy. As a woman in my early 50's I was feeling so many hormonal issues and with Dr. Will and his team ... Continue Reading


I spent the past four months in Dr. Cole’s Autoimmune Health Rest program, and I believe it has changed my life. For over 7 years, I struggled with significant gastrointestinal issues, hormone imbalances, brain fog, fatigue, skin discoloration, and insomnia, among other symptoms. I didn’t feel like myself, even though my labs and doctors usually ... Continue Reading


After years of struggling with seemingly random health issues, it has been such a blessing to find Dr. Will Cole and his team. I tried and researched every health trend in an attempt to heal myself. It was when I stumbled across a video of Dr. Will Cole saying something along the lines of, "The reason your symptoms ... Continue Reading

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I have literally been so unwell for over fifteen years with debilitating symptoms like cognitive & vestibular issues, vertigo, fatigue, anxiety and depr"ession.  I've seen so many 'specialists' and spent thousands of dollars.  The conventional medical system has completely failed me with multiple incorrect diagnoses and prescribing drug after drug, which only made me feel ... Continue Reading

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I was struggling with HS for years before seeing Dr. Cole. Dr. Cole and team have helped me get to the root cause of my symptoms and identified other issues that I didn't even know existed. The overall cost of treatment, testing, and supplements is very expensive, it is worth the peace of mind to ... Continue Reading


My health journey has been long and frustrating, often feeling like I've been spinning my wheels with little progress (or help from conventional doctors). However, after undergoing testing and discussing the results, I feel more hopeful than I have in a long time about addressing the root cause of my issues and making positive progress. ... Continue Reading


I have been thoroughly impressed with the level of care and expertise provided by Dr. Will Cole’s team. Not only were they highly skilled and professional, but they also demonstrated an extensive knowledge of the latest testing methods and technologies. The comprehensive testing they had me complete resulted in answers that I have been searching ... Continue Reading

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