


You know your body. And when what you’re feeling isn’t right, you have to fight. But don’t fight on your own.
There comes a point where you have to surrender looking up your symptoms, diagnosing yourself, and treating yourself with food, supplements, habits, or whatever else you find in your own research – because really, you’re just guessing. For me, trying to heal myself on my own was wasting time and prolonging my healing.
Don’t do that. Allow educated and experienced people to do this for you!
Being diagnosed with celiac disease was an enormous step to my healing, but…I still have had health issues that are a burden in my life every day. I have been to so many doctors who were not trying to discover what I was seeking – to know what was making me feel bad and to try to improve my health. Instead, they were basically checking to see if I was sick yet. When I asked questions about healing the things that were wrong with me, they only offered prescriptions that I didn’t need or want.
I’ve also been through a “one size fits all” functional medicine program that tested me for nothing, but told me what to eat and supplement with. They told me that I’d be healed in three months. That program changed nothing. Testing is important. We are all unique. How can you possibly know what your body needs without testing?
Get the right kind of help. You need a professional that will find the root cause.
A few months ago, after fighting for so many years, I was ready to give up trying to heal. I thought it was time for me to just accept my situation and learn to live with feeling bad everyday. I told my husband I just couldn’t try anymore. I was tired of hoping. I couldn’t keep doing all I was able to do, but feeling like a failure over and over. He reminded me of my own words that I use to encourage others as a patient advocate for celiac disease, “You know when what you’re feeling isn’t right. Honor what your body is trying to tell you. You have to keep fighting.” I knew I couldn’t say those words to others, and then not live them. So I’m not finished yet…
Many times, everything you want is on the other side of hard. Don’t give up. Have hope. Sometimes, it just takes a small adjustment in your aim to hit that bullseye.
As in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” You were made to thrive.

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