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The Art of Being Well
Leading functional medicine expert and best-selling author Dr. Will Cole has consulted thousands of people around the world on their health journey. Now is the time for your wellness journey. A manifesto for a new breed of health seekers, The Art Of Being Well is a fresh infusion of grace and lightness into wellness. Here we will explore exciting ways for you to nurture your body, spirit, mind, and relationships. From this place of using self-care as a form of self-respect, you can discover your own metamorphosis.
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Sunny Disposition: Vitamin D, Clean Sunscreen + Toxic Diet Culture (Ask Me Anything Episode!)
All about the importance of vitamin D to the best nontoxic sunscreens; we discuss what you need to know to enjoy the summer sun.
Dr. Whitney Bowe: Skin Microbiome Secrets, Myths, + Best Practices For Clear, Glowing Complexion
The secrets for achieving our best skin ever including skin cycling and sleep hygiene.
Elise Loehnen: Exploring Out-Of-The-Box Wellness Tools For Body & Soul
A fascinating wellness journey and breaking down the different healing modalities that can make big difference in your life.
Devi Brown: Overcoming Generational Trauma
Steps for all of us to overcome generational trauma and exactly how it impacts our health.
Kayla Barnes: Science-Backed Brain Hacks For Mood + Memory + Mental Health
Peeling back the curtain on biohacking so you can use scientific-backed tools to take control of your cognitive function.
Yung Pueblo: How To Use Spirituality + Meditation To Heal Your Body
Taking you on a fascinating journey of self-discovery through the pursuit of self-healing and self-love.