Armpit Detoxing 101: Your First Steps to Cleaner, Healthier Underarms

Woman With Her Arm Up

The unfortunate trade-off between using harmful antiperspirants and deodorants and living with stinky underarms is all too real.  Many of us struggle with excessive sweat, stubborn body odor, and irritated skin. And many of us have wasted time and money on countless products and remedies that offer little relief. 

The only way to achieve fresher underarms without nasty chemicals is getting to the root cause of the issue. Enter: armpit detoxing! This simple yet powerful practice helps remove toxins, chemicals, and impurities from your underarm area, paving the way for a more confident, natural you.

What Is An Armpit Detox?

Because our armpits are made up of skin, consider armpit care part of your skincare routine. An armpit detox, also known as an underarm detox, is a natural process that helps remove the build up of toxins, chemicals, and impurities from the underarm area. Our underarms are prone to accumulating harmful, stink-causing substances from:

  • Commercial antiperspirants and deodorants
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Bacteria and yeast
  • Dead skin cells and sweat
  • These toxins can lead to various issues, not the least of which is an unpleasant odor when we workout or sweat in daily life, making an armpit detox essential for maintaining overall health and wellness.

    An armpit detox:

  • Promotes healthy sweat glands and lymphatic function
  • Reduces body odor and sweat stains
  • Unclogs pores and reduces ingrown hairs
  • Soothes irritated skin and razor burn
  • Prepares skin for natural deodorants
  • Signs You May Need an Underarm Detox:

  • Excessive sweat or body odor
  • Redness, itching, or irritation
  • Ingrown hairs or razor burn
  • Clogged pores or blackheads
  • Skin bumps or rashes
  • Unpleasant odor despite regular hygiene
  • You’re exhibiting signs of overall tox-overload
  • If you experience any of these signs, consider giving your underarms a detox to restore balance and freshness. It’s like a facial for your pits, but instead of a glowing face, your result with be fresh underarms for weeks--maybe months to come.

    Benefits Of An Underarm Detox

    Benefits of an Underarm Detox:

  • Reduces body odor: Removes bacteria and toxins causing unpleasant smells
  • Unclogs pores: Clears dead skin cells and impurities for smoother skin
  • Soothes irritation: Calms redness, itching, and razor burn
  • Boosts lymphatic function: Enhances natural detoxification processes
  • Prepares skin for natural deodorants: Allows for a smoother transition to chemical-free alternatives
  • How To Do One

    Simple Armpit Detox Steps:

  • Prep your pits: Wash your underarms with soap and water. Exfoliate gently to remove dead skin cells. Consider a natural physical exfoliant like a konjac sponge or use your facial chemical exfoliant if you’re comfortable and used to using chemical exfoliants on your skin. Optional: add in some dry brushing here for added physical exfoliation and to get the lymph system moving
  • Mix the detox mask by combining:
  • 2 tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon coconut oil or aloe vera gel (for sensitive skin)
  • Apply the mask: Spread a thin layer onto your underarms, avoiding hair and sensitive areas.
  • Relax: Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse and clean: Wash with warm water and mild soap. Pat dry.
  • Sensitive Skin Notes:

  • Start with a small patch test to ensure you're not allergic to any ingredients.
  • Reduce the apple cider vinegar amount or substitute with water if you experience irritation.
  • Add coconut oil or aloe vera gel to the mask for extra soothing benefits.
  • Avoid using the detox mask too frequently (once a week is enough).
  • Tips:

  • Use a gentle, fragrance-free soap for washing.
  • Avoid shaving or waxing before detoxing.
  • Wear loose, breathable clothing after detoxing.
  • Consider repeating the detox 1-2 times a week for optimal results.
  • What to Expect:

  • Temporary redness or itching (usually mild)
  • Increased sweat or odor (initially, as toxins release)
  • Softer, smoother skin and reduced odor over time
  • Remember, patience and consistency are key. Give your underarms time to adjust and respond to the detox.

    What an Armpit Detox CAN'T Do:

  • Eliminate sweat entirely: Sweat is a natural bodily function, and detoxing won't stop it completely.
  • Replace medical treatments: If you have an underlying medical condition, an armpit detox won't cure it. You’ll need to speak with your doctor or a more specialized advisor to help you understand additional root causes.
  • Guarantee zero body odor: Diet, hygiene, and individual factors can still affect body odor.
  • Remove hair permanently: Detoxing won't eliminate hair growth or replace hair removal methods.
  • Solve extreme hyperhidrosis: If you experience excessive sweating, consult a doctor for professional advice.
  • Remember, an armpit detox is a complementary practice to enhance your natural health and wellness. It's essential to have realistic expectations and maintain a balanced lifestyle with healthy, consistent hygiene practices to make the most of any detox your add to your routine.

    Bonus Detox Strategies 

  • Detox other parts of your life including your other skincare products, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies.
  • Get rid of synthetic fragrances in your home (check: candles, cleaning products, plug-ins, detergents, and dryer sheets)
  • Supplement with detox-supportive food and supplements
  • If you have additional questions or think you could benefit from some hand holding as your approach detoxing your armpits (and the rest of your life), you’re not alone. The current world is structured to promote toxin-build up and the idea of a “detox” can feel gimmicky and difficult to navigate.

    For real, science- and expert-backed guidance that is hands on and unique to all of your needs, consider booking a consultation with a member of our functional medicine team.

    Start Your Health Journey Today


    The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

    Our content may include products that have been independently chosen and recommended by Dr. Will Cole and our editors. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may earn a small commission.



    Evidence-based reviewed article

    Dr. Will Cole, DNM, IFMCP, DC is a leading functional medicine expert who consults people around the globe, starting one of the first functional medicine telehealth centers in the world. Named one of the top 50 functional and integrative doctors in the nation, Dr. Will Cole provides a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems. He is also the host of the popular The Art of Being Well podcast and the New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting, Ketotarian, Gut Feelings, and The Inflammation Spectrum.

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