How to Use Phospholipids as the Anti-Toxin to a Toxic World

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It’s easy to feel overwhelmed these days by all of the chemicals, pesticides, and biotoxins we’re all exposed to on a daily basis. We’re talking thousands, if not tens of thousands, of toxic substances. It’s no wonder we’re seeing skyrocketing rates of chronic illness and acute disease when our bodies are in a constant battle against these microscopic invaders.

The good news is that we have solutions to combat these toxins — we just need to make them part of our everyday lives to stay healthy.

One of these key solutions for daily detoxification is phospholipids, the healthy fats that make up our cell membranes. When you have enough phospholipids in the body, your cells can repair themselves and detox difficult-to-reach toxins like heavy metals and mycotoxins, by wrapping them in a phospholipid bubble (like a microscopic drop of oil) and sending them through the liver and digestive system to be excreted.

This dual cellular repair and detox ability makes phospholipids one of the most powerful nutrients you can supplement for overall health and longevity in our modern (toxic) world.

Let’s talk more about phospholipids (specifically BodyBio PC), their benefits, and how to use them to detoxify every day.

What are Phospholipids?

Phospholipids are a type of healthy fat, with two fatty acid “tails” and one phosphate “head.” (See image below.) They are the primary structural component of our cell membranes, where the phospholipids create a strong but flexible lipid bilayer that can allow other substances to pass in and out of the cell.

There are several different kinds of phospholipids, including phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and phosphatidylinositol (PI). Phosphatidylcholine or PC is the most abundant phospholipid in the cell membrane, but you need all of the phospholipids for a healthy cell.

This is why I use and recommend BodyBio PC because it’s a phospholipid complex with all four key phospholipids you need for cellular health and detoxification.

Benefits of Phosphatidylcholine

Phosphatidylcholine and its sibling phospholipids provide several benefits for your cellular health. Phospholipids:

  • Repair and strengthen cell membranes
  • Make toxins and cellular waste products liposomal to carry them out of the cell and into the liver/digestive detoxification pathway
  • Support healthy bile flow, essential for detoxing fat-soluble toxins
  • Support brain structure and cognition
  • Make up 90% of the mucus layer in the gut, making them essential to repair a leaky gut
  • Repair and strengthen mitochondrial membranes for increased cellular energy
  • Support a healthy pregnancy and infant development

You can think of phospholipids as providing the foundation of your overall cellular health so that everything else you add (vitamins, minerals, detox protocols, etc.) has the best chance to gain access to the cell and do its job.

BodyBio PC as the Ultimate Anti-Toxin

Alright, let’s turn our focus to PC and phospholipids as the ultimate “anti-toxin.”

There are very few substances that have a broad-range effect on the healthy detoxification of multiple kinds of toxins, but phospholipids are one of them.

This is because on the microscopic, cellular level, phospholipids can wrap up toxins and trap them in a little phospholipid bubble, and then carry them safely out of the body through the liver and digestive system. It’s truly a remarkable ability. And now more than ever, phospholipids are an essential nutritional tool for detoxifying from the thousands of toxins we encounter every day.

Graphic Of Toxin Exposure Before And After Bodybio Pc

Managing Your Daily Toxin Exposure

What about simply avoiding toxins? Using as many natural materials in your daily life as possible (natural fiber clothing, glass and stainless steel appliances and containers, natural cleaning and personal care products), eating organic and regenerative food, purifying your air at home, and so on. All of that should seriously reduce your toxic load, right?

These are all great practices to have, but complete toxin avoidance is simply not possible. And honestly, you shouldn’t have to constantly worry about avoiding toxins every day. That kind of stress isn’t healthy either! That’s why making a tool like BodyBio PC part of your daily detox routine can give you peace of mind, whatever you come into contact with.

LISTEN: Want to hear more about fighting back against environmental toxins, healthy vs. toxic fats, and more? Check out my conversation with BodyBio CMO Jess Kane on The Art of Being Well podcast.

What About Binders?

Binders are substances that can also attach to, trap, and remove toxins from your system, but they can be problematic for some individuals dealing with a high toxic load. They include activated charcoal, bentonite clay, modified citrus pectin, and many others.

The problem with traditional binders is that they bind toxins and even infectious agents like bacteria and viruses, but they also bind nutrients like vitamins and minerals. People dealing with high toxicity are often depleted in these nutrients, so in some cases they may feel even worse when they start taking binders.

PC can be a better alternative by supporting and rebuilding the cell membrane first, allowing nutrients to pass into the cell for healing. While the cell membranes are repaired, the body will use additional phospholipids to support the detoxification process, and it will be much easier to do so.

In some cases it makes sense to use both traditional binders and PC, depending on your diagnosis and tolerance to detox. If you’re interested, you can reach out to our telehealth functional medicine clinic and see if we would be a good fit to help you on your health journey.

Recommended Dosage & How to Get Started

Let’s say you’re on board to try BodyBio PC and see what daily cellular detox support can do for you. How do you get started?

First, you can choose from a liquid supplement or capsules. I prefer the liquid for myself and my clients, but the capsules are great for traveling.

Now you decide on your starting dose. Depending on your sensitivity to supplements and how high your toxic burden is, you can start with as little as a tiny drop up to a teaspoon. From there you may eventually work your way up to as much as two tablespoons a day for powerful cellular repair and detox.

Who Can Take PC?

Anyone who wants to support their cellular health and detoxification can take PC, but everyone will have a different starting dose and tolerance depending on their current health status. If you’re unsure how to get started with PC, consult with a trusted healthcare professional.

It’s worth noting that PC is also safe and highly recommended for pregnant women to support a healthy pregnancy and fetal development.* After all, PC is the stuff that builds your cells, and cells are what build humans, one at a time.

A Phosphatidylcholine Supplement You Can Trust

I recommend BodyBio PC to my clients because I trust them to create a high-quality product that meets third-party verification standards and is recommended by thousands of other healthcare practitioners at the top of their field. It’s definitely a go-to product in my practice and in my daily detox routine.

For a limited time, you can go to to try BodyBio PC and get 15% off.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored blog post. We only partner with brands that we believe will provide value to our readers.


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  1. Dai Y, Tang H, Pang S. The Crucial Roles of Phospholipids in Aging and Lifespan Regulation. Front Physiol. 2021;12:775648. Published 2021 Nov 23. doi:10.3389/fphys.2021.775648
  2. Nicolson GL, Ash ME. Lipid Replacement Therapy: a natural medicine approach to replacing damaged lipids in cellular membranes and organelles and restoring function. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014;1838(6):1657-1679. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2013.11.010
  3. Nicolson GL, Breeding PC. Membrane Lipid Replacement with Glycerolphospholipids Slowly Reduces Self-Reported Symptom Severities in Chemically Exposed Gulf War Veterans. International Journal of Translational Medicine. 2022; 2(2):164-173.
  4. Liu J, Lewis G. Environmental toxicity and poor cognitive outcomes in children and adults. J Environ Health. 2014;76(6):130-138.

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Our content may include products that have been independently chosen and recommended by Dr. Will Cole and our editors. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may earn a small commission.



Evidence-based reviewed article

Dr. Will Cole, DNM, IFMCP, DC is a leading functional medicine expert who consults people around the globe, starting one of the first functional medicine telehealth centers in the world. Named one of the top 50 functional and integrative doctors in the nation, Dr. Will Cole provides a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems. He is also the host of the popular The Art of Being Well podcast and the New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting, Ketotarian, Gut Feelings, and The Inflammation Spectrum.

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