A Functional Medicine Perspective On Structured Water

Person Holding Glass Of Water In Front Of Chest

Wellness begins with the basics. If you don’t have a solid foundation in place– a nourishing diet, a regular exercise routine, restful sleep, and, importantly, good hydration– there is no health hack that will make you feel your best. 

But when you do have the essentials covered, there are all kinds of things that you can do to optimize and take your wellness routine to the next level. 

I love exploring the new ideas and scientific concepts that are constantly emerging in the functional medicine field. Sometimes, I find a real gem that ends up being transformative both for me and for my patients. 

And other times, a new trend is more of a miss, with rocky science behind it and no real results. 

So, what’s the story behind the phenomenon of structured water? Which category does it fall into? How does it work, and can it really supercharge your hydration? Let’s dive in and find out. 

Addressing The Controversy 

Structured water, also sometimes called hexagonal water or magnetized water, is a hotly debated topic. Some people swear by it, believing that it’s the key to more energy, healthier skin, and a longer lifespan. 

Others insist that the concept is based on junk science, and that companies offering structured water products are just out to make a profit. 

Before we get into the details behind the controversy, here’s a quick primer on the theory of structured water. 

The idea of structured water first came about in the early 2000s. The scientist Dr. Gerald Pollack, whose name and work continues to be somewhat inseparable from the structured water movement, theorized that there may be a fourth phase of water, different from solid, liquid, and gas (the three phases that we currently understand). 

This concept was based on the observation that when water approached surfaces that were attracted to it (hydrophilic surfaces), it acted differently than it normally would (1). There was a change in structure, which Pollack described as hexagonal and crystalline.  

Pollack’s research continued, and a broader theory began to take shape. The current theory (largely based on Pollack’s work) goes that this hexagonal water, found in areas of relatively untouched nature (think: a mountain spring) is also present within our cells, and helps us to function properly. 

But, because the water we drink is altered in various ways from its natural state, we are not consuming enough of this structured water to support optimal wellbeing. So, by restructuring our water to replicate the crystalline form, we may be able to significantly boost our hydration and all of its beneficial effects. 

The criticism behind this theory is generally focused on the assumptive leaps in the narrative. While even many critics will grant that Pollack’s research is interesting, several of his findings have gone unreplicated, and it isn’t yet proven that a fourth phase of water exists (2). 

And from there, the evidence gets even thinner. If structured water does exist, we still don’t know if, or to what extent, it exists within our cells. If there is a fourth phase of water, we know almost nothing about what replicating this form and drinking it might do for our health. 

According to critics, then, the supposed benefits are speculative at best and marketing gimmicks at worst. 

A Deep Dive Into Structured Water

Let’s get a bit deeper into the concept of structured water. The general idea is that, in natural settings, when water absorbs energy from the sun and the earth, its structure changes to form an organized hexagonal shape. This structured, hexagonal, or H3O2 water, may also be found within our cells. 

Structured water molecules within our own cells may hold a certain kind of electrical charge that helps our bodies function optimally. 

But when we filter our water, or add chemicals to it, the thought goes, we are taking it out of its structured state. For the water within our bodies, insufficient exposure to direct, natural energy sources (like the sun and the earth) has also been theorized to cause destructuring. These factors may then affect how well our cells and tissues function. 

A variety of techniques have therefore been introduced with the aim of restructuring either the water we drink, the water within our cells, or both. 

Strategies for structuring drinking water may include: 

  • Exposing water to UV light, infrared light, or direct sunlight
  • A process called vortexing (which involves swirling water to create a vortex effect) 
  • Using gemstone water bottles 
  • Possible ideas for structuring the water within our cells include: 

  • Grounding (a practice involving standing, lying, or walking barefoot on the earth) 
  • Using a muscle heating pad
  • Working with certain types of crystals 
  • Spending time in direct sunlight (exercise caution with this one) 
  • Using light treatments or light boxes 

    Structured Water Versus Other Water Types 

    How does structured water differ from other kinds of water? There are a number of options when it comes to enhancing or optimizing the water we drink. According to the structured water theory, none of these other kinds of water will offer the hexagonal structure that is said to offer unique health benefits. 

    Here’s an overview of some of the other options when it comes to drinking water. 

    Filtered or bottled water: There are many variations within this category, but generally speaking, filtering purifies water and removes chemicals and microorganisms that may negatively impact our health. 

    I am a big believer in the importance of filtering water in order to reduce our toxic load– the number of chemicals that can be found in tap water is absolutely shocking. Structuring methods can be applied after filtering. 

    Alkaline water: Alkaline water is specially filtered in order to increase its pH level. This is thought to potentially offer various health benefits, including anti-aging effects, immune system support, and detox properties. Structured water may be similar to alkaline water in some ways as both are thought to have optimal pH levels. 

    Hydrogen water: Hydrogen water is made by infusing extra hydrogen molecules into water. While this doesn’t alter the structure of water, it is similarly thought to supercharge the benefits of hydration, including boosting energy, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, and enhancing fitness performance and recovery. 

    LISTEN: Alex Tarnava: The Shocking Benefits Of Molecular Hydrogen Water For Metabolism, Inflammation, Gut Health, Longevity, Skin Health, & More 

    Potential Benefits 

    The potential benefits of structured water are similar to the benefits of water in general– the idea is essentially that structured water may be able to enhance the effects we already associate with hydration. Some of the proposed benefits may also relate to the different energetic qualities of hexagonal water compared to other kinds of water. 

    Possible benefits may include: 

  • Increased energy
  • Better digestion
  • Enhanced concentration 
  • Improvements in sleep 
  • Better athletic performance and endurance
  • Enhanced nutrient absorption 
  • Better mood 
  • Improved blood pressure 
  • Better immune system function 
  • Increased detox abilities 
  • To date, there haven’t been any controlled clinical trials on humans examining these or other possible benefits. This doesn’t mean that the benefits don’t exist, and many people do anecdotally report positive effects from drinking structured water. It just means that we still have a lot more to study before any strong claims can be made. 

    As far as we currently know, there don’t seem to be any health risks associated with drinking structured water. If it’s something you want to experiment with, there is likely no harm. However, there’s also no need to do away with regular, filtered water (or other enhanced options, like hydrogen water) altogether. 


    Proponents of structured water believe that it offers widespread health benefits, from better energy and mood to improved detoxification.

    On the other hand, many within the scientific community dismiss the idea of structured water being beneficial to health because there is currently no good research to back it up. 

    At this point, the answer most likely lies somewhere in the middle: structured water might offer health benefits. We just don’t know. And this is how all important scientific findings do start– as hypotheses.

    But if you’re going to focus on one thing when it comes to your water, I would start with filtering. There are approximately 12,000 different types of potentially dangerous chemicals that can be found in our tap water– and the vast majority of them aren’t even regulated. 

    These chemicals and pollutants can negatively impact our health in numerous ways. So, start with filtering, and then, for those who want to experiment with additional enhancements like structuring, who’s to say it isn’t worth a try? 

    To learn more about which health trends or tried and true methods may be best for you, consider booking a virtual functional medicine consultation

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    1. Zheng JM, Pollack GH. Long-range forces extending from polymer-gel surfaces. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2003;68(3 Pt 1):031408. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.68.031408
    2. Elton DC, Spencer PD, Riches JD, Williams ED. Exclusion Zone Phenomena in Water-A Critical Review of Experimental Findings and Theories. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(14):5041. Published 2020 Jul 17. doi:10.3390/ijms21145041

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    Dr. Will Cole, DNM, IFMCP, DC is a leading functional medicine expert who consults people around the globe, starting one of the first functional medicine telehealth centers in the world. Named one of the top 50 functional and integrative doctors in the nation, Dr. Will Cole provides a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems. He is also the host of the popular The Art of Being Well podcast and the New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting, Ketotarian, Gut Feelings, and The Inflammation Spectrum.

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