The Favorite Superfoods & Herbs Of A Functional Medicine Expert

The Favorite Superfoods &Amp; Herbs Of A Functional Medicine Expert Dr. Will Cole

Every time you choose to eat something, you have a choice between foods that feed disease, or foods that nourish health. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly because, according to some estimates, 77% of disease burden and 86% of deaths are related to diet and lifestyle.

When it comes to eating healthy, the first order of action is establishing a solid foundation of vegetables, fresh fruits, healthy fats, fiber, and protein. If you’re getting those in your body on a daily basis, you can rest assured that your diet is boosting your gut microbiome, supporting optimal energy and productivity, and helping fend off chronic disease.

Once you have the basics down pat, get excited because there’s another whole world to explore: The world of superfoods. These foods are chock full of vitamins, minerals, and healthy antioxidant compounds that pack an extra punch when it comes to boosting your health.

As a functional medicine practitioner, it’s my job to sort through all wellness trends and identify the superfoods that will really make a difference to your health.

On that note, here are some of my favorites and exactly how to use them.

1. Cacao Butter

As a society, we spent years villainizing fat, thinking it was the sole cause of heart disease, obesity, and so many other illnesses and diseases. These days, however, we’re re-thinking this fear of fat in a major way. In fact, many functional medicine experts are recommending that their patients increase their fat intake by way of more clean, plant-based sources of fat (instead of stocking up on meat and dairy).

Enter: Cacao butter. This butter is derived from cacao beans and is a deliciously rich way to take your baked goods, smoothies, or hot chocolate to a whole new level by adding a ton of flavor to your favorite recipes. Try Navitas’ Cacao Butter. It’s organic, vegan, and fair-trade making it the perfect superfood source for getting more fats into your life.

2. Fermented cod liver oil

A medicinal oil from ancient Rome and Scandinavia in use for thousands of years, fermented cod liver oil, or FCLO, is rich in the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA. These fats facilitate healthy weight management and are critical for brain and nerve health. FCLO is also a great source of fat-soluble vitamins A and D. The fermentation process keeps all these wonderful nutrients intact and vital during storage. To get around the admittedly very fishy and intense flavor, consider adding FCLO to your diet in supplement form.

3. Kombucha

Called the “Immortal Health Elixir” in ancient China, this fermented tea has been around for over 2,000 years as part of the traditional Asian diet. Rich in B vitamins, kombucha can boost energy and those same B vitamins can serve as methyl donors to decrease inflammation. As kombucha is a fermented drink, its probiotic cultures will also help with digestion and immunity, as it contributes beneficial bacteria to your microbiome. On top of all that, kombucha is also high in glucaric acid, which recent studies have shown helps prevent cancer! You can make your own at home or you can find some in your local health food store. Once you get used to the tart taste, you may become a kombucha connoisseur.

4. Bone broth

Bone broth was an essential healing food for ages in many ancient populations from every continent on earth. That’s because its healing and nourishing properties are obvious to all. Make bone broth from the bones of grass-fed cows or organic pastured chickens and you will be providing your body with an extremely nutritious liquid that can heal the gut, soothe digestion, shore up the joints and connective tissue, and more. Few other foods can match it.

Bone broth contains potent antioxidants, vitamins, and many essential minerals. It’s a great superfood for people with food sensitivities, weight loss resistance, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), autoimmune conditions, and any health problem related to a damaged gut – otherwise known as leaky gut syndrome. To make bone broth, gently boil bones with a bit of vinegar to help them dissolve into the broth and if desired, some onions and garlic for taste, for between 8 and 48 hours. Just be sure to replenish the water as it boils away. You can also use a crockpot or pressure cooker. There are many different recipes online.

5. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is no stranger to controversy as many people are confused as to whether or not it can help ease symptoms or exacerbate them. This herb has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to help a variety of ailments that have been backed by recent research such as:

But the controversy around ashwagandha isn’t unfounded entirely. Because of its ability to boost thyroid function those with hyperthyroidism should just be more cautious and speak with their doctor to learn more about their thyroid hormone levels. For those who are able to consume ashwagandha and reap it’s benefits, they can create their own elixirs or choose from a number of REBBLs: from Ashwagandha Spicy Chai and Vanilla Spice Protein to Banana Nut Protein and 3 Roots Mango Spice to Cold-Brew Protein and Dark Chocolate Protein.

6. MCT Oil

You may have heard about MCT oil before, possibly in the context of bulletproof coffee or brain health. This oil is made from MCTs—which stands for medium-chain-triglycerides—a special kind of fatty acid that is six to twelve (6) carbons in length. But why are MCTs so healthy? For one, they help us reach ketosis faster. (7) On top of that, they can also help us improve our overall brain health, (8) increase metabolic rate or reduced weight, and lower cholesterol (9) and healthy blood sugar. (10)

As we mentioned before, in functional medicine we’re rediscovering the many ways that fat can improve and support our health; we’re finding that fats are vital for the optimal functioning of our brain, immune systems, and hormones. And if you think about it, this makes sense. We start our lives relying on fat-rich breast milk to give us the energy it takes to grow and develop.

When buying MCT oil, keep in mind that its’ found in two forms—natural and synthetic. Natural sources are going to be the purest and most bioavailable to our bodies and can be found in dairy fats, palm kernel oil, and my favorite plant-based source—coconut oil. Try adding some coconut oil-derived MCTs to your morning coffee or tea and see how it goes.

7. Hemp

Ah, hemp. One of nature’s most versatile plants! Hemp is a superstar protein source—at 4g per serving—and is especially good for those of us who try to limit our consumption of animal products. In fact, it is one of the few plant-based foods that contains all nine essential amino acids, which means that it’s a complete protein.

Lucky for us, it’s also a healthy source of fat—containing high levels of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Not to mention, it also contains about 25 percent of your daily magnesium requirements per serving. Hemp really does do it all.

You can find hemp as a powder that you can use in smoothies and other beverages Or, try opting for hemp seeds, which you can sprinkle on your yogurt or salads.

8. Grass-fed beef

In our modern age, the overwhelming majority of the beef in the United States is grain fed, from cows raised on factory farms in massive industrial feed lots where they are pumped with growth hormones and antibiotics to keep them alive and as large and meaty as possible. These animals look nothing like the cattle our ancestors ate. Throughout history, cows have been free to wander and graze on grass, their natural food source. This is how they were meant to live, and the meat from grass-fed beef is naturally leaner than conventional meat, with a superior fat profile: A 3-ounce serving contains 35 milligrams of the heart- and brain-protecting omega-3’s EPA and DHA, compared with only 18 milligrams for the meat from grain-fed cows. Grass-fed cows that get to enjoy green pastures also have twice the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) per serving. Higher CLA levels have been linked with easier weight loss and a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

9. Clean, wild fish

Examples: Rainbow trout, arctic char, pole-caught albacore tuna, Alaskan salmon, and barramundi

How often: At least three times a week

How to eat: Steam, bake, grill, broil, saute, or have it sushi-style and don’t cook it at all (as long as it is sushi-grade).

Sure, most people know salmon is healthy – but how many of you have heard of a barramundi? However, many fish are contaminated with pollutants and can actually contribute to excessive mercury levels. Choose the fish listed above, as they are some of the healthiest and cleanest in the word. They all make Seafood Watch’s “Super Green” list of seafood that come from the least-pressured habitats. They also have low levels of industrial pollutants like mercury and dioxins, and contain the highest levels of healthy omega-3 fats.

10. Kimchi

This ancient Korean dish consists of a delicious blend of fermented vegetables and spices. Lauded in Korea for its healing benefits, kimchi has also been linked to reduced blood pressure and body weight. Other studies have shown kimchi to have anti-cancer effects and to contribute to a reduction of atherosclerosis and autoimmune symptoms. Homemade kimchi is normally better than store bought, but if you do buy some in the store, look out for added sugar and excess salt content.

11. Reishi

While many herbs are considered adaptogenic, mushrooms can boast adaptogenic abilities as well and reishi is one that I use on a regular basis. Since adaptogens work to help restore balance to various areas of the body that are out of whack, reishi’s superstar talent is its ability to help those who are struggling with blood sugar problems. With close to 50 percent of America considered either prediabetic or diabetic, many people can tap into the benefits of this fungi. The various polysaccharides and triterpenes (11) found in this mushroom work to decrease excessive fat storage in those with weight gain and weight loss resistance and can also lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. It can also help to down-regulate (12) the enzyme alpha-glucosidase that breaks down starch into sugar.

Reishi Cold-Brew Elixir is my go-to Ketotarian beverage when I need a pick-me-up with nourishing reishi.

12. Sweet potatoes

A part of the Central American diet for thousands of years, sweet potatoes (legend has it) came to Europe with Christopher Columbus, who discovered them in the Americas and brought them back to his homeland. The orange flesh of sweet potatoes may be one of nature’s most potent sources of beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Several studies have shown the superior ability of sweet potatoes to boost vitamin A, which is essential for healthy skin and eye health. Sweet potatoes are also great sources of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, potassium, copper, and fiber.

13. Schisandra Berry

Schisandra is a powerful adaptogen that can get overlooked in favor of some of the more well-known herbs, but should take center stage more often – specifically for those struggling with fatigue and stress.

Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone. It should start off high in the morning to help wake you up and slowly taper off throughout the day to help prepare you for sleep. It is also inversely proportional to melatonin, meaning when your cortisol is high, melatonin is low and vice versa. Your body releases cortisol through a complex web of communication known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-axis). When this communication system isn’t working correctly it can lead to an imbalance in cortisol rhythm causing cortisol to be high when it should be low, low when it should be high, always high, or always low. This cortisol imbalance can lead to what is known as adrenal fatigue and stress. Schisandra is able to restore cortisol balance and help to support (13) correction of HPA-axis dysfunction.

14. Sea vegetables

Examples: Nori, dulse, kombu, kelp, Irish moss, alaria esculenta

How often: At least once a week

How to eat: Dried as individual snacks or on top of soups and salads

Most Americans aren’t eating sea vegetables much, if at all, but this is one food group worth turning into a trend because seaweed contains a variety of beneficial minerals and a huge number of health-boosting trace elements. These green superfoods are also an abundant source (14) of B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin K, and are the most effective way (15) to get iodine, which your body needs for thyroid hormone production.

Plus, sea vegetables contain good amounts of a compound called fucans that have anti-inflammatory properties, and they’ve also been shown (16) to have a positive blood sugar balancing effect in patients with type-2 diabetes.

One thing to note: Because our oceans can be polluted, some sea vegetables might be high in toxic metals. That means it’s always important to buy from companies that test for heavy metals and are committed to providing an organic, non-toxic product.

15. Turmeric

A plant-based diet can help drive down inflammation, but if you want to continue to elevate your health, turmeric is always on the top of my list. Turmeric helps fend off chronic inflammation, which is the root cause of so many different diseases in our modern world—including heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and even depression and diabetes.

So how does turmeric work against chronic inflammation? We have a compound called curcumin to thank for turmeric’s potent anti-inflammatory powers, which works by blocking NF-kB, a molecule (17) that turns on genes that are involved in inflammation.

You can take turmeric in a capsule or try making turmeric-rich foods like green curry. Another option is adding a turmeric latte—also known as golden milk—to your daily routine. This ancient drink has become my go-to afternoon treat, gaining extra bonus points for being caffeine-free and low in sugar. I personally like to sip on REBBL’s Turmeric Golden-Milk to get in my daily dose of turmeric – and bonus, it includes black pepper.

16. Organic organ meat

Examples: Liver, kidneys, sweetbreads, heart

How often: At least once or twice a week

How to eat: Saute with bacon or on its own in coconut oil, puree into pate, stir-fry with veggies, or slice thin and dry for homemade jerky.

People tend to have strong opinions about organ meats, either good or bad, but no matter your opinion about their taste, the fact is that they contain dense nutrients essential for health, such as choline and vitamin B9 (folate). Beef liver also offers some of the highest amounts of Vitamin B12, (18) which is generally only found in animal products, and organ meats in general are rich in CoQ10, (19) a nutrient that’s crucial for heart health.

And if you want to support methylation, that uber-important biochemical process happening constantly in your body to enact repair, detoxify, and enable many important aspects of your biochemistry, organ meats are what it takes. They are also an important source for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K2, which many people who eat a standard Western diet lack.

17. Shellfish

Examples: Oysters, mussels, scallops, clams, lobster, crab, shrimp, sea snails

How often: At least once or twice a week

How to eat: Steam, saute, broil, stir-fry

Eating shellfish, the superfood of the sea, is a great way to balance the proper trace mineral ratio and help with your stress levels. In addition to many of the nutrients I mentioned above, shellfish are rich with zinc, which medical literature has linked (20) with anxiety and brain problems when zinc is deficient in comparison to copper. Zinc also strengthens the immune system. Oysters are also a good source of iron, (21) which is essential for red blood cell production and function.

18. Maca

Maca is an herb that’s part of a larger group of herbs called “adaptogens.” Adaptogens aren’t high in healthy protein or fats but they can restore balance to important areas of your health that are out-of-whack, particularly your stress response and nervous system. Adaptogens are able to regulate the connection between your brain and your hormones, which plays an important role in your mood and energy levels every single day.

If you’re going to buy adaptogens, remember one thing: They’re not all created equal. Look for a brand that’s using quality ingredients and sources it’s adaptogens responsibly. For example, Navitas’ high-quality Maca Powder is ethically sourced from Peru; you can easily add it to just about any smoothie, drink, or dessert.

You can also find maca in many REBBL favorites like: Maca MochaMaca Cold-BrewVanilla Spice ProteinDark Chocolate Protein, and Cold-Brew Protein.

So there you have it! As a functional medicine doctor, I’ve seen a healthy plant-based diet—with plenty of superfoods—turn numerous patients’ health around. So try taking one (or all!) or these five superfoods for a spin and see it they are able to take your health to a new level.

As one of the first functional medicine telehealth clinics in the world, we provide webcam health consultations for people around the globe. 

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  1. Ruchi Tiwari, Sandip Chakraborty, Mani Saminathan, Kuldeep Dhama and Shoor Vir Singh, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Role in Safeguarding Health, Immunomodulatory Effects, Combating Infections and Therapeutic Applications: A Review Journal of Biological Sciences Volume 14 (2): 77-94, 2014
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Dr. Will Cole, DNM, IFMCP, DC is a leading functional medicine expert who consults people around the globe, starting one of the first functional medicine telehealth centers in the world. Named one of the top 50 functional and integrative doctors in the nation, Dr. Will Cole provides a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems. He is also the host of the popular The Art of Being Well podcast and the New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting, Ketotarian, Gut Feelings, and The Inflammation Spectrum.

Gut Feelings Dr. Will Cole 6

Gut Feelings

Healing The Shame-Fueled Relationship
Between What You Eat And How You Feel