The Allergy Solution

Functional Medicine Saved Me From Myself Dr. Will Cole

The Allergy Solution Dr. Will Cole 1

The Allergy Solution Dr. Will Cole 2


Today we have a Q&A for the brand new book: The Allergy Solution: Unlock the Surprising Truth behind Why You’re Sick and How to Get Well by my friends Leo Galland M.D. and Jonathan Galland J.D. It is available to purchase on Amazon.

Q: What is the allergy epidemic?

A: It’s a hidden epidemic that’s sweeping the world, with surprising consequences for anyone who is exposed to pollution, eats fast or processed food, has too much stress or digestive trouble.

You may not think of yourself as allergic.  Your nose may not run, and your skin doesn’t itch.  But you have common complaints that just won’t go away.

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Do you suffer from:

  • Weight gain?
  • Stomachaches?
  • Insomnia?
  • Headaches?
  • Fatigue?
  • Depression or anxiety?
  • Brain fog?

A hidden allergy is often the culprit. Chronic conditions that were previously diagnosed as autoimmune diseases,  psychiatric disorders, or many others, wind up being allergic in origin.

Our search for answers to common mystery conditions, and the source of the allergy epidemic inspired us to write our new book, The Allergy Solution: Unlock the Surprising, Hidden Truth about Why You Are Sick and How to Get Well.

We reveal the proven role of allergy in causing weight gain, fatigue, headache, joint and muscle pain, a range of digestive symptoms from heartburn to diarrhea, mood problems, poor mental focus, and more.  A step-by-step method for determining if you have hidden allergies is provided. And if you suffer from classic allergies like rhinitis, eczema or have asthma, our program addresses these issues from a nutritional and lifestyle perspective.

Q: Why are we seeing an epidemic of allergy today?

A: Allergies were once rare. Today they affect over a billion people. Environmental toxicity, depletion of beneficial intestinal bacteria and fast food all contribute to allergies.

Pollen counts are going up and up.  A big cause?  Air pollution, the kind generated by cars, buses and trucks. Scientists at the US Department of Agriculture investigated how air pollution affects ragweed. They discovered that pollution makes the plants grow  twice as large and produce 5 times as much pollen. Many types of pollen, especially ragweed, are actually toxic. They contain an enzyme that damages the lining of your nose and lungs when you breathe them in. This sets the stage for rising allergies.

Driving While Allergic: Dutch scientists tested driving skills in people with allergies and discovered that Pollen exposure impaired the operation of an automobile to the same extent as drinking two cocktails.

Air fresheners increase the risk of allergies and asthma, mostly because of the chemical fragrances they contain, reports a study from the University of California.  So what’s alternative? We can’t think of a better way to freshen your air than with ventilation. If the air outside your home is actually worse than the air inside, then try a commercial air purifier.

Cleaning sprays are also  hazardous to your health. Using a household cleaning spray just once a week elevates your risk of developing asthma by 30 to 50 per cent, reports a study from Europe.   But true clean doesn’t come from a cleaning spray.   The Allergy Solution contains a program for freeing your home from these toxins. We call it Mission Detoxable. Step one is easy: ditch the chemical sprays and use water and baking soda for most cleaning jobs.  Vinegar in water is great for glass and tile.

Q: How does nutrition impact allergies?

A: Research shows that people with allergies often suffer from nutritional deficiencies and may need nutritional enrichment of protective factors like selenium, magnesium, vitamins C and D, and omega-3 fats. In The Allergy Solution we provide a nutritional approach to overcoming allergy through food and supplements.

All of us need concentrated nutritional support for T-regs, which comes from natural folates found in vegetables such as leafy greens; carotenoids found in orange and yellow vegetables; the bioflavonoids found in things like parsley, strawberries and oolong tea; and detoxifying compounds found in broccoli.

Q: What are the most important nutritional factors for reversing allergy?

A: It is vital that the food you eat supply the nutrients you need to help your body remove toxins and establish healthy immune balance. To accomplish this, we include a simple program in The Allergy Solution called the Power Wash. It’s like hitting the re-set button on your computer. You can get started over a 3-day weekend.

With the Power Wash you eliminate the major problem foods like wheat, dairy, soy, corn, yeast, eggs and you nourish your body with a specially designed combination of vegetables, fruits, spices, herbs, and teas. They’ve been chosen because they support the function of a critical part of your immune system: regulatory T-lymphocytes. We call them T-regs. Their role is to turn off the unwanted immune reactions that create allergies. If you have allergies, you suffer from defective function of T-regs.

Q: How does allergy cause weight gain and prevent weight loss?

A: What happens is a vicious cycle driven by the effects of allergy on your metabolism. Clinical research reveals a strong link between allergy and weight gain. People with allergies are more likely to become overweight. People who are overweight are more likely to develop allergies.

Laboratory research shows that allergic reactions actually make fat cells grow larger and larger. Fat cells create a type of inflammation that unleashes stronger allergic reactions. Balancing immunity is essential for healthy weight loss.

Q: How does your program affect the skin?

A: Your skin is your most visible barrier against a toxic environment and a key target for allergic reactions. Allergy rapidly ages the skin and reversing allergy is essential to restoring its vitality.

The nutrients that nourish your immune cells are also essential for nourishing your skin. In addition, Mission Detoxable helps you decrease the stress placed on your skin by avoiding toxins in your home.

Q: What’s the role of your gut in creating or defending against allergy?

A: Two-thirds of your immune system is located in your intestinal tract. The gut is like a boot camp for training your immune cells. The drill sergeants are the bacteria living in your intestines. Biodiversity of these bacteria is essential for immune health and protects against allergy.

Antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, disinfectants and the modern diet all destroy this diversity and contribute to the allergy epidemic. Our book contains a program for overcoming allergies by healing your gut. It’s called ARC, for Avoidance, Reflorastation and Cultivation.

Q: How does your book address the environmental challenges facing the world?

A: We wrote The Allergy Solution to change how the world thinks about allergy, health, and our relationship with the environment. We reveal the science that says allergies are not just annoying symptoms to be covered over by medications, and the environment is not just a convenient place to put our car exhaust, toss our garbage, and spray our pesticides.

In the chapter “How Did We Get So Sick” we bring to light the astonishing research that connects pollution, global warming and toxins to rising allergies and asthma.

The environment is all around us and within us, inside our digestive tract, respiratory system, and whole body. we have exposed the truth that just as the earth’s environment is out of balance, our bodies have become out of balance.  Now the environment we all depend on is threatened as never before.

Q: Can We Be Part of the Solution?

 A: Absolutely. A community effort is needed to protect the environment and our health. Let’s all work together to turn around air pollution, giving those with asthma—and those without—a better chance to breathe free? Reductions in air pollution could also curb the rising levels of pollen, helping those with hay fever feel more comfortable. Using fewer toxic chemicals would reduce the burden on the environment.

Allergies are connected to the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the environment we live in. Join us and be part of the solution. Learn more about natural health by joining our community at  Follow Dr. Galland on and Twitter (@leogallandmd), and follow Jonathan Galland at and on Twitter @JonathanGalland.

As one of the first functional medicine telehealth clinics in the world, we provide webcam health consultations for people around the globe. 

Photo: Stocksy

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Dr. Will Cole, IFMCP, DNM, DC, leading functional medicine expert, consults people around the world via webcam and locally in Pittsburgh. He received his doctorate from Southern California University of Health Sciences and post doctorate education and training in functional medicine and clinical nutrition. He specializes in clinically researching underlying factors of chronic disease and customizing a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems. Dr. Cole was named one of the top 50 functional medicine and integrative doctors in the nation and is the best selling author of Ketotarian and The Inflammation Spectrum.