Brain Health
The Most Effective Ways To Manage & Reduce Stress In Your Life
The Most Effective Ways To Manage & Reduce Stress In Your Life Imagine you were a visitor to our culture from another world. One of the first things you might notice is the ubiquity of chronic stress. You might well believe, from even a cursory observation of our busy, modern lives, that being stressed, anxious,…
Read MoreHow To Cultivate A Bedtime Routine For Restful Sleep Every Night
How To Cultivate A Bedtime Routine For Restful Sleep Every Night Whether you’re a night owl or morning person, we all have different routines that can affect our sleep patterns. With sleep taking up about one third of every day, it’s a pretty important aspect of life and health. One thing I think we can…
Read MoreThe Most Common Wellness Mistakes Even The Healthiest People Make
The Most Common Wellness Mistakes Even The Healthiest People Make A lot of my patients practice good health habits. They don’t eat much junk food, they avoid artificial sweeteners, they exercise….and yet, they still have health issues they can’t seem to get ahead of. They’ve already tried all the obvious moves, but they have underlying…
Read More19 Signs You’re Achieving Optimal Health
19 Milestones To Achieving Optimal Health How would you rate your own health? Most people rate their health as “pretty good” – even the ones coming to see me. And yet, when I dig a little deeper, asking about medications and symptoms, sleep quality and energy level and mood, I find that many of them…
Read MoreIt’s Not Just One Thing Making You Sick: Here’s Why That’s A Good Thing
It’s Not Just One Thing Making You Sick: Here’s Why That’s A Good Thing People don’t come to see me because they are feeling great. They come to see me, in my capacity as a functional medicine practitioner, because something is wrong. They have a particular health issue, or multiple issues, or just a general feeling…
Read MoreKefir: The Ancient Health Secret
Kefir: The Ancient Health Secret A fermented dairy drink that’s similar to but thinner than yogurt so you can drink it out of a glass, kefir is an ancient food that has made a modern comeback and now fills the shelves of health food stores and has become a buzzword in the health blogosphere. Kefir…
Read MoreMy Favorite Tools To Restore Gut Health Naturally
My Favorite Tool For Restoring Gut Health Naturally Your gut is the foundation of your entire health. Even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, knew thousands of years ago that ‘’all disease begins in the gut.’’ Everything from the bacterial composition of your microbiome to the permeability of your gut lining can influence even seemingly…
Read MoreThe Powerful Plant-Based Keto Superfood That Will Elevate Your Health
The Powerful Plant-Based Keto Superfood That Will Elevate Your Health For years we have been taught as a society to fear fat as it will clog our arteries, lead to heart disease, and contribute to lifelong health problems and early death. We have pushed away whole milk dairy products in favor of skim milk, margarine, and…
Read MoreExactly How CBD Oil Can Enhance Sleep Quality
Exactly How CBD Oil Can Enhance Sleep Quality You may have noticed the rise in CBD-infused everything. From facial creams, to cookies, CBD seems to be added to almost every product imaginable due to its ability to naturally relieve symptoms of a variety of different health conditions. CBD stands for cannabidiol – one of the…
Read MoreCould Your Protein Powder Be Throwing Off Your Hormones?
Could Your Protein Powder Be Throwing Off Your Hormones? Protein powder can be a great way to bulk up the nutritional value of certain foods. For those on the go they can be added to smoothies to create a filling breakfast or added to baked goods. However, in my functional medicine clinic I often find my patients…
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