


Caitlin 1


For as long as I can remember, I never felt “good”. Feeling physical symptoms of anxiety, constant nausea and severe brain fog made every day a challenge to stay motivated and find the energy to keep moving. I loved being active and always tried to eat healthy but nothing I did seemed to work. At ... Continue Reading



After being diagnosed with Lyme disease and celiac disease several years ago, I have seen a lot of doctors! My blood work has been abnormal, I haven't felt well, I had a lot of gut issues and each doctor told me different things to do to feel better and get healthy again, but none of ... Continue Reading

Kim 1


After breast cancer treatment, I felt like the wheels were falling off. I had many symptoms including achy joints, brain fog, and psoriasis. I was tired, indecisive and couldn’t lose weight. My ah-ha moment was realizing that only sick people get labs. I’m not looking to be the average of all sick people. I am ... Continue Reading



Before I found Dr.Cole, I had been to every mainstream medical specialist in my area. I suffered from chronic pain, fatigue. Dr. Cole was the first doctor who was willing to find out the causes for my symptoms rather than just masking them. My entire life has changed for the better thanks to Dr.Cole and ... Continue Reading



Thanks to Dr. Cole and his team, my health and quality of life have dramatically improved The journey continues, but in six months time, I have transformed from struggling to get off the couch, lacking energy, and experiencing aches, pains, and mood swings to enjoying life again. My energy has returned allowing me to not ... Continue Reading



I suffered from digestive issues for as long as I can remember, doctors were never concerned and always blamed it on stress and anxiety. I was starting to believe it was all in my head. By my mid 20’s I was miserable, daily headaches, heartburn, bloating, muscle pain/fatigue, and more. I came across Dr. Cole ... Continue Reading



My name is Alex Castellon, I’ve been going for treatment with Dr. Will Cole for a while. I started as a diabetic and now I’m a pre-diabetic. The diet with the supplements changes your body and you start to feel healing from the inside out. “Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your ... Continue Reading



After suffering from various issues with my digestive health for over 3 years and looking for answers from countless specialists, I am so thankful to have found Dr. Cole. I finally not only understand the root of all of my digestive problems, I feel better than I have in years and actually understand what is ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team provide real answers and an approach that works. I went from suffering with vomiting, diarrhea, and inflammation pain to a vibrant and energetic person with excellent digestion. You have to do the work, listen to your body, trust their expertise and you will see results too.



Thanks to Dr. Cole and his staff, I came unhealthy and left much healthier. I have nothing but good things to say about Dr. Cole. I highly recommend Functional Medicine.



I would recommend the treatment from Dr.Cole and his team any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I feel great!!!! I am currently still in treatment and am enjoying every second of it. It has been tough at times, but above all has been a wonderful learning experience. I have found it to ... Continue Reading

Kim 2

Sr. Maria Johanna

Before starting to see Dr. Cole, I was barely functioning. It was tough for me to make it through the day. I have multiple conditions that can make daily life very challenging most of the time, primarily being Sjogrens, migraines, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. Since starting with Dr. Cole and using the protocols that he ... Continue Reading



Last August 2016 I began my healing journey with Dr. Will Cole. Prior to finding him I had struggled with multiple autoimmune diseases and all of the ugly symptoms that go along with them; at 44 I felt trapped and hopeless in a broken body. Dr. Cole helped me find the missing pieces to my ... Continue Reading



To quote the president of the company I worked for back in 2008, “Christa, you are the sickliest person I know!”. He was right! For years I suffered with out of control thyroid disease (Hashimotos), abdominal issues, brain fog, bronchitis and/or pneumonia on a regular basis, unexplained hives, joint issues, severe allergies…I was always sick. ... Continue Reading



Before I met Dr. Cole, I had been feeling terrible for years. I was in my mid-twenties when my body just felt like it was falling apart. My muscles started hurting, I was always tired no matter how much rest I got, and my brain just didn’t function the way I was used to. I ... Continue Reading



With my prescription list growing every year, I knew I needed to do something differently or I would die! In 5 weeks on Dr. Cole’s program I went from 40 units of insulin to ZERO units! In 2 months my A1C has gone from 8.8 ON medication, to 6.3 WITHOUT ANY medication!



Thanks again for your commitment to me and my health. I have NEVER had a doctor that individualizes care as much as you do or one that really listens as patiently as you do. I realize, getting healthy is going to be a process. But I am now moving in the right direction thanks to ... Continue Reading



I saw Dr. Cole’s ads in the paper and was skeptical. I went to his seminar and, although still skeptical, the message made sense to me. I did the initial consultation; and the conversation that we had convinced me that this was the route I wanted to take. The program is easy to follow. I ... Continue Reading

Bill A.

Bill A.

Hi! My name is Bill Allison. I am ever so grateful to Dr. Will Cole and his amazing staff of medical professionals guiding me on my journey in dealing with hypothyroidism and a condition called leaky gut. That journey started back in June 2016 when I attended one of Dr. Cole's free seminar's regarding the ... Continue Reading



I have been a diabetic for the last 10 years, and it was going in the wrong direction. I was getting more medications and my A1C always seemed to go up. I felt awful. Things weren't looking that great for me. I have a son and I wanted to see him graduate high school and ... Continue Reading



Before meeting Dr. Cole, I was feeling extremely defeated. No matter what I was doing over the last several years I continued to gain or maintain an unhealthy weight. No one seemed to hear me. I didn’t know what to do. My path finally lead to Dr. Cole. The very first thing that really impressed ... Continue Reading



I was diagnosed with diabetes 1.5 years ago, and my life took a turn for the worse. I had to retire early because I had a hard time functioning with my job. I told my son about Dr. Cole's seminar and he thought we should go. My son went with me, and was really impressed ... Continue Reading



I looked back on the last six months and can't believe the progress I've made. My family and I cannot thank you enough. I was a slave to a sick body for so long, and every doctor I saw was unable to help me. Until God sent me to your website it was truly an ... Continue Reading



When I first started seeing Dr. Cole I was pre-diabetic, overweight, having neck pain and inflammation in my head, and experiencing food sensitivities. He used a variety of diagnostic tests to determine that I was suffering from intestinal permeability, Hashimioto's thyroiditis, as well as other hormonal and autoimmune issues. I have lost 110 pounds while ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole, As you know when I first came to see you my glucose levels were climbing with no end in sight. After starting your program the levels are at normal and my weight continues to go down! I feel much better, with a lot more energy. Thanks for a great program!

Karen 1


I am 68 years old and I was diagnosed with type type 2 diabetes 6 years ago. I was on diabetes medicine and my A1C was at 9. I have been a patient of Dr. Cole for the past six months and my A1C is now between 5.3 to 5.5 (Normal range for non Diabetics) ... Continue Reading

Karen 2


After completing the program with Dr. Cole I was able to achieve all of this without medication! My A1C is down from 10.5 to 6.1 and my fasting glucose went from over 240 down to under 100. I wish I had known about this program years ago. I now have an indescribable peace of mind ... Continue Reading

Denise, R.n.

Denise, R.N.

Before I met Dr. Cole, I had no energy, I couldn’t lose weight, and my joints ached. Dr. Cole took the time to run tests that actually looked at my underlying issues. Now I have 10x more energy, lost 16 pounds, and have no joint pain! Dr. Cole helped me get my life back!



This program has been a REAL game changer. I was borderline diabetic with daily fatigue, frustration with being overweight and inability to lose the weight, and the affects of arthritic pain. Now I have blood work and blood pressure levels that I thought only athletes could have, am 50 pounds lighter, have more energy, reduced ... Continue Reading

Heather White

Heather White

Dr. Will Cole is a fantastic and knowledgeable doctor who cares deeply about his patients. His expertise in the microbiome runs deep and his science-base, but simple recommendations can help restore gut health and promote overall wellness. His insights are a must for anyone who cares about their overall health. - President & CEO of Yellowstone ... Continue Reading



With just a few weeks on Dr. Cole’s program, my blood sugar is lower and I’m taking less insulin! My joints and muscles are not hurting anymore, and I’ve lost weight! This program is fantastic!



I am 68 years old and I have had many health issues in the past. I have gone to many regular doctors and ask them to do tests to determine what the underlying problems where that was making me ill. they told me they were not aloud to do the tests because insurance would not ... Continue Reading



I had recently been diagnosed with an auto immune (AI) disease and differing AI diseases run in my family (Mother and siblings) so along with my husband, who had more acutely severe symptoms, we chose to consult with Dr. Cole. My symptoms were annoying and uncomfortable however within the first 2-3 months of treatment they ... Continue Reading



Prior to starting this journey I was always tired, suffered from brain fog and could not lose the weight that piled on over the years. I wondered if I would recognize feeling healthy again. Well, I'm happy to report that I did recognize it! Around Dec. I realized that my memory was doing better, I ... Continue Reading



I came to Dr. Cole seeking help with my wrecked immune system, rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid disease, and digestive issues. Dr. Cole prescribed dietary changes and natural medicines that have resulted in a loss of 75 lbs, my fasting blood sugar normalizing, having my blood pressure medication cut in half, reduction in the amount of ... Continue Reading

Donna 1


I was told for years that the solution was more prescription medications. And then I found Dr. Cole. After 5 weeks I am surprised and thrilled to report that I am completely off all my medications! I have increased energy, and have lost 10 lbs. I’m even sleeping through the night. I can’t thank Dr. ... Continue Reading

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig

I’m so fortunate to have an amazing job that takes me all over the world. The downside of that is a lack of routine that wreaks havoc on my digestive system. For years, I struggled to find a way to feel balanced and healthy. Dr. Will Cole played a huge role in helping me find ... Continue Reading

Diane A.

Diane A.

When I first came to see Dr. Cole, I was experiencing digestive problems, high blood sugar, joint pain, fatigue, and high cholesterol. Dr. Cole set me up with a protocol that included a paleo diet, labwork, supplements for my particular problems, and ongoing support either in his office or by phone. After a short time ... Continue Reading

Elaine H. Berkowitz, Dmd

Elaine H. Berkowitz, DMD

I suffered for over one year, going from GI doctors to GI doctors, 3 in total, with no relief. All said I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome and offered me a prescription. I refused as I wanted relief, permanently. Then I went to a seminar of Dr .Cole's and said to myself, "He is talking about ... Continue Reading



Before I met Dr. Cole my blood sugars were in the 200's, and I felt like I was dying. 3 weeks on the program that was designed for me and my blood sugar is 67 points lower and my blood pressure is coming down! I've lost weight that was impossible to lose before, I have ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole has given me my life back! When I first went to Dr. Cole’s seminar on reversing diabetes, I was skeptical on how it would all work. All I knew was I had to try something. I am 37 years old, diagnosed with Diabetes 5 years ago; I was always tired, gaining weight, unhappy, ... Continue Reading



In December 2015 my husband David and I attended one of Dr. Will Cole’s free dinner presentations. We were both having health issues. After hearing Dr. Cole we both knew we needed to let him help us get healthier. In fact we signed up that evening. We started our new way of life January 2016. ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his staff have given me my life back! Before working with Dr. Cole, I could barely get out of bed in the morning, and daily life was exhausting and difficult to manage. Now, I've healed myself from the inside out, lost weight, and have a renewed sense of energy and life! Trust ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole you have given my husband and I so many reasons to be thankful. After following your protocol for two months I have never felt better. I have seen all kinds of professionals concerning my stomach problems with no success. Through extensive blood work you have created a plan for me that works. I’m ... Continue Reading



Until I attended one of Dr. Cole’s workshops, I felt as though I was doomed. I was taking insulin before every meal, with no end in sight. I truly believed there were alternatives to medications and Dr. Cole proved it to me. After 5 months, I am insulin free and 50 pounds lighter! I recommend ... Continue Reading



Before finding Dr. Will I was aimlessly doing everything I could to feel better, but nothing seemed to help. I spent ten years getting brushed off by conventional medicine doctors only to see my health dramatically decline. After finally convincing my doctor to run some tests, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease. They prescribed medication ... Continue Reading



A few years ago after a lifetime of taking good, health conscious care of myself, I started having digestive issues. I spent years doing the rounds of numerous GI specialists (all diagnosing me differently and treating me differently), dieticians, nutritional experts, as well as trying alternative practices such as hypnotherapy and acupuncture. No treatment gave ... Continue Reading



In November 2015 I was on two types of insulin, one of these medications caused my body to retain fluids, and for a lack of better words, to thicken up. The clothes that I had worn just a month before did not fit. My legs had swollen up and they were seeping fluid, causing the ... Continue Reading



My healing journey began about a year and half ago. I was overwhelmed and confused about how to take control of my health needs until I met Dr. Cole. Then he and his staff gave me straight-forward advice, plans, and support whenever I needed it. Not only has my health improved, but my perspective on ... Continue Reading



My adventure with Dr. Cole began after attending one of his presentations. I was 71 at the time. My goes, expressed at our first appointment, were to drop a number of expensive prescriptions and lose some weight. I began following a series of food consumption protocols (some seemed strange) but Dr. Cole guided and encouraged ... Continue Reading

Terry Wahls, Md

Terry Wahls, MD

I love this course (The Elimination Diet)! Dr. Cole has made the elimination diet easy to understand for everyone! He takes the guess-work out of what to do so that you can have the tools to take back your health. You will learn exactly which foods to eat and not eat and with the delicious ... Continue Reading



Before meeting Dr. Cole, my doctors wanted me to have gastric bypass and to be put on insulin. I wasn’t going to do it! Even on all my medication my blood sugar was high and my A1C was 8.2! Now, on Dr. Cole’s program my A1C is 5.7, my blood sugar is normal, and I ... Continue Reading



I have been a patient of Dr. Coles since April, 2014. When I started his program I was on 12 medicines and my diabetes was getting out of control. I was on the verge of having to start insulin shots. With just a few months on Dr. Coles program, I am already off two diabetic ... Continue Reading



I have been under Dr. Cole’s care for a year now and I am in such a better place with my health and my understanding of what foods work and don’t work for my body. When I started working with Dr. Cole, I had very bad digestive issues, acid reflux, and bloating and gas with ... Continue Reading

Ron &Amp;Amp; Becky

Ron & Becky

We decided to go to Dr. Cole when Ron found out he was diabetic and on insulin, and I had asthma that was not controlled. Dr. Cole found some other issues we were having. So with the proper food I am no longer using my inhaler and we are working on my thyroid. Ron is ... Continue Reading



I began going to Dr. Cole at the end of December 2013 because I was concerned about the effect Diabetes and High Blood Pressure were having on my health. Since beginning Dr. Cole’s program, my A1C has gone from 9.0 on medication to 5.9 without medication; I have lost weight and have been able to ... Continue Reading



Before functional medicine I was lost, my life determined by how sick I was that day. I would get dizziness, nausea, weakness, and other symptoms that attacked me at random and slow me down, I couldn't live my life. I would see other doctors, cardiologists, therapists etc, in hopes they could find out what was ... Continue Reading



Before I met Dr. Cole, I was on strong stomach medication for three years for my GERD. I began to feel helpless and didn’t know where to turn. Dr. Cole helped me to put my health and my life back into my own hands. By following his dietary protocol, I have been able to cut ... Continue Reading

Christin Wilhelm


I have been overweight and suffered from chronic constipation since my early teens, at 37 I was diagnosed with type II diabetes and was constantly fatigued. As the traditional medicines were not controlling my diabetes, it was suggested that I go on insulin. This was the turning point for me. I knew I did not ... Continue Reading

Pam Coutch


It was after being diagnosed with Grave’s disease in the Spring of 2017 that I began to seriously look for an alternative approach to feeling well that did not involve prescription medications or surgery. Quite by chance, I attended a seminar given by Dr. Cole, and thus began my current wellness journey. This is all totally new ... Continue Reading

Nikki Sharp 1

Nikki Sharp

Dr. Cole's new book is highly informative, yet easy to understand when it comes to what we should be eating and how to combat issues you might be facing. As a health expert, it's very important for my clients to know the 'why?' behind how certain foods can affect them, and I believe this book ... Continue Reading

Linda Kleinhans


I would like to thank Dr. Cole for helping me to feel better. I first went to see Dr. Cole because I was always tired and swollen. Who knew it was what I was eating. Dr. Cole helped me change my eating habits. I found out that what I thought was healthy was actually not ... Continue Reading

Maggie Manzke


After being diagnosed with RRMS, I started the Wahls’ Protocol in an attempt to control my symptoms of fatigue and tenacious migraine headaches. The protocol helped greatly, but I felt more healing was possible, so I began seeing Dr. Will Cole. Under his guidance, the inflammation in my body is at an all-time low, my fatigue ... Continue Reading

Jena Covello

Jena Covello

Dr. Cole and his team helped improve my gut health with an incredible diet plan and supplements that were customized to my blood work. I love that he doesn’t use a one size fits all approach. My energy and iron levels significantly improved, and my hair and skin are the best they’ve ever been in ... Continue Reading

Joyce Lefevre


When I first visited Dr. Cole, I was in a place where I had recently been diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that was worsening and was negatively impacting my energy and overall quality of life. I had reached the end of what my other physicians (Natural Medicine Doctor, PCP and Endocrinologist) would recommend without more ... Continue Reading

Stevie Lynch


Before working with Dr. Cole, I was suffering horribly with ITP and Hashimoto's Disease. I had chronic fatigue, leaky gut and so much more. It has been 8 months, and I feel like a new person. He saved me!  I don’t know what I would do without him and his amazing team. Thank you, Dr. ... Continue Reading

Kelly Robinson


I began suffering from gastrointestinal problems at a young age. Throughout the years I went to multiple providers only to be told either there was nothing to be done and I would have to learn to live with it or was given medications to treat the symptoms. As symptoms continued to progress, they were debilitating ... Continue Reading

Loretta York 1


Before Dr Cole, I thought I ate good but Dr. Cole and his team taught me how to eat clean. I did not realize all the toxins, chemicals, and preservatives, that are in our food. I now have a clean diet, and my overall health has greatly benefited. I hope that clean eating will be the 'normal' ... Continue Reading

Julie Grady


After more than two years with several serious health concerns including cancer, a thyroid nodule, osteoporosis and debilitating hip pain, I determined that I needed help beyond the expertise of traditional medical practitioners. Using the often-contradicting health information on the internet to self-diagnose and self-treat these health problems left me with more questions than answers. ... Continue Reading

David Hunter


For years I’ve searched for ways to be healthier thinking if I avoided fats, took lots of supplements, ate more tofu or other proteins, drink more gatorade and followed the latest trends whatever they may be, I would be healthy with less joint pain. Ten months ago my yearly checkup revealed high cholesterol, a fatty ... Continue Reading

Nicole Schmit


Before I had found Dr Cole and his amazing team my health was poor. I was suffering from terrible acne, anxiety/panic attacks, hormonal imbalances and overall, had very little energy. I saw countless doctors that were not interested in finding and fixing the root of my issues, they just wanted to give me a prescription ... Continue Reading

Lauren Stone


I began working with Dr. Cole in April 2018 and in May, I started what became an incredible health journey. After a series of lab tests, I was cautiously optimistic about improving my own personal health issues through dietary changes and lifestyle habits. Through my motivation and determination to feel better, I have spent the ... Continue Reading

Jennifer Mansfield


Before meeting Dr. Cole and his wonderful team, I was headed down a devastating path of deteriorating health. At 42, I had Hashimoto’s disease, was on two blood pressure medicines, cholesterol medicine, creams for rosacea, and was headed towards diabetes. I also had constant stomach issues. I was significantly overweight, and although I had tried ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft


Dr. Cole is the first medical practitioner that actually “gets” what I’m going through. Conventional doctors essentially wanted and did just medicate me for my ongoing battles with pain and stiffness. My journey to recovery has been as much about education as it has been about practice. I have learned an awful lot about the ... Continue Reading

Donna 2


I started seeing Dr. Cole feeling like I had been slowly dying for 2 years. I had a horrible reaction to a particularly nasty broad spectrum antibiotic that took took me from an active country life to no life at all. I lived with intense constant tendon/muscle pain, neuropathy, and gut issues, etc. that made ... Continue Reading

Jan Hefferin


I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (Ulcerative Colitis) that I battled along with a myriad of systemic symptoms that came along with it for 6+ years. I had pretty much resolved myself to the fact that feeling sick and extremely exhausted was going to be a way of life forever. That is, until I came across ... Continue Reading

Rose Brown


I discovered functional medicine during my quest to find answers for my health problems after struggling for two years with severe health issues. 7 years ago I was diagnosed with Lupus and was taking medicine to manage my flare ups. Instead of getting better, I got worse as new health issues appeared. I started to ... Continue Reading

Maura Kobush


Despite years of devotion to wellness, mindfulness practice, and eating what society deemed a meticulous diet, I found myself on my knees, physically and emotionally exasperated when salvation appeared in the form of Dr. Cole. In my early 40s my formerly pristine skin presented with painful rosacea, my hormones and digestion went haywire, and a ... Continue Reading

Lidia Paz-Baker


I have practiced holistic medicine all my life but felt that I was missing something in my journey to my overall well-being. Then, I was referred to Dr. Cole. With his in depth medical analysis, I was able to follow a protocol that began to address issues my body was struggling with. I began to ... Continue Reading

Matt + Deborah

Matt + Deborah

My wife and I both have autoimmune issues – my wife’s being more serious than mine. She was diagnosed with Neurosarcoidosis in 2016. I had been researching alternative/functional medicine for years knowing the endless prescriptions she was being prescribed was not the answer. I was constantly attempting to talk my wife into going to a ... Continue Reading

Jonathan Cetnarski


Dr. Cole and his incredible team of professionals have guided me on a personalized journey to optimize my health and wellbeing along with treating the root causes of health concerns that have plagued me for years rather than just treating symptoms. The results I have achieved in just 10 weeks have been incredible, including healthy ... Continue Reading



My immune system has had some issues since I was young. No one could figure it out but doctors told my mom to pull me out of school because I was too weak to be around other kids (and my ENTIRE third grade year I was on antibiotics for chronic sinus infections). If only I ... Continue Reading



Before coming to see Dr. Cole I had pain in my left leg every day. Some nights I would wake up in the middle of the night in a lot of pain and could not go back to sleep. Since being on Dr. Cole’s plan for me, I don’t have any pain at all in ... Continue Reading



I have been seeing Dr. Cole since last year and my health has significantly changed. I went from not knowing how to improve my thyroid condition, low energy, and brain fog to feeling better than I felt before having my son. Through this journey I discovered that we do have the power to change our ... Continue Reading



I am 4 months into my health journey with Dr. Cole and have to say I never felt that good before. Dr. Cole is a functional medicine practitioner who works with all his heart and profound knowledge. I was suffering for years of severe heartburn and could never get rid of extra-weight that stuck to ... Continue Reading



Before working with Dr. Cole, I was incredibly frustrated; I was doing everything I could to live a health conscious lifestyle, but still felt exhausted, stuck, and unable to get clear answers or advice from any doctors. Immediately upon meeting Dr. Cole, I could tell that he was actually listening to my concerns. He’s been ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft 1


I was diagnosed with Celiac disease in 2006. I had been eating a gluten-free, healthy diet and yet still struggled with gut issues, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, joint pain, and weight gain. Being a registered nurse, I knew I did not want to just mask these symptoms with medication, but wanted to get to their ... Continue Reading



I had been struggling with health issues for over 21 years, going from one treatment to the next without any results. I was reluctant to give up because I knew that one day I would find a cure. I cannot say enough good things about my experience with Dr. Will and his team. This is ... Continue Reading



I had become accustomed to living cold, achy, digestively challenged, emotionally depleted and just plain exhausted before I met Dr. Cole. I remember coming home and crying after I met Dr.Cole, because I felt heard for the first time and I felt safe knowing that there was a plan to change all that I was ... Continue Reading



The last couple of years, I suffered from severe fatigue, brain fog, emotional instability, and other symptoms that made it nearly impossible to cope with my responsibilities as a wife and a mother of five children. It got so bad that I was always tired (even in the mornings) and stressed out, often had zero ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole


Once I reached the age of 50 I steadily felt the decline of my health, but still endured a healthy lifestyle. I knew something wasn’t quite right, and I had been to several medical doctors to try and get some answers. Unfortunately, I had very little success in finding out why I was feeling the ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 2


I have been ill for a long time with low energy, fogginess, mood and pain issues. I went to several doctors along the way and they couldn't find what was wrong with me, trying to guess and giving me medicines that didn't work and were not addressing the problem. It was so devastating for me ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 3


You could try Dr. Will Cole’s method and find out what ACTUALLY doesn’t work for you. Through his methods I learned to pinpoint what my body loves and what it hates, which in turn has allowed me to live freely and successfully every moment of every day, without the dogma and stress.

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 4


I started Dr. Cole’s protocol on December 27 and 5 months later I can’t believe my results: Before: 302 lbs. After: 210 lbs. Increased energy! Off blood pressure medication! No longer need CPAP machine to sleep! Triglycerides went from 272 to 102! A1C is 5.3! Jeff

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 6


From the outside looking in, you’d see me as a 28-year-old woman who loves life. In my mind, I was trapped in a constant web of anxiety, panic, and pain. I officially became Dr. Cole’s patient in November 2015. After a mere two weeks, I began to feel relief from his dietary program. The inflammation ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 7


I started seeing Dr. Cole due to chronic pain from fibromyalgia, arthritis, stomach problems, and migraines. I am into the eight month of my year long program and I am no longer experiencing stomach problems and I have days with very little pain. I have lost 70 pounds and my energy level has increased. I ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 8


I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in November and started on intravenous chemotherapy medication in December. Over the following 18 months I experienced deteriorating balance and walking issues. When I first learned about Dr. Cole, I did not know anything about Functional Medicine. Being medical professionals, my husband and I did our research and we were ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 9


I am so grateful for the care of Dr. Cole and his entire team. After trying almost everything to make myself feel more energized and lose weight they were able to get to the root of my problems and support me throughout the entire journey. I have learned so much about myself throughout the process ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 10


I have been working with Dr. Cole and his amazing team for around 10 months now and have seen a major transformation during that time. Prior to seeing Dr. Cole I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and IBS so I knew my thyroid was not functioning properly. I had somewhat controlled it with medication but ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 11


For more than half of my life, I have struggled with various health issues – ranging from chronic infections, debilitating food allergies and sensitivities, and a compromised immune system. Since 2016, my quality of life and health took a turn for the worst and continued to decline. After seeing numerous doctors in mainstream medicine, I ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 12


I have found my tribe with Dr. Cole and his team; and for that I am eternally grateful. I began experiencing health issues at a young age, and over the course of 25 years, I have seen numerous specialists. Those experiences were always the same, it was just the doctor’s faces that would change. My ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 13


Most of my life I relied on western medicine when I didn’t feel good or got sick. That changed a few years ago when I just didn't feel well and began experiencing chronic pain. I went from doctor to doctor and specialist to specialist and no one could find anything wrong. Doctors didn't look at ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 14


If you are positioned to commit each day, in a journey towards whole body health, Dr. Cole and his staff provide the learning and support to achieve this goal. Now 66, I have struggled for years with dysbiosis and gut permeability leading to imbalanced brain, mind, body, and spirit. I was in search of help. ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 15


I started getting sick 12 years ago with chronic digestive issues, muscle pain, brain fog, and intense fatigue. I tried countless doctors but within less than a month of starting Dr. Cole’s program and altering my diet my digestion improved rapidly! I now have very little discomfort in my stomach. My brain fog and fatigue ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 16


Dr. Cole has really helped me in my search for answers to questions about my health. For years, I ate gluten and dairy without knowing about my sensitivities and got stomach aches all the time, but now my diet has improved and so has my skin and stomach health. I don’t get stomach aches nearly ... Continue Reading

Lindsay Dr. Will Cole


I found Dr. Cole from a friend who had been working with him to heal her own autoimmune health problems. At the time that I contacted his office, I was ready to retire from practicing law, which has been my lifelong dream, and I am only 38. For the past eight months, I have been ... Continue Reading



For about 8 years, I had been struggling with a constellation of health issues. Though I had seen numerous doctors and tried dozens of approaches, I was never able to get a clear diagnosis, nor a roadmap toward better health. I knew what my body felt like at my best, and desperately wanted to get ... Continue Reading

Heidi Missett


I have been working with Dr. Cole and his staff for almost 4 months. My experience has been incredible and I feel the best that I have felt in so many years! With specific protocols and recommendations that are uniquely designed for me, Dr. Cole has given me a program to follow and helped me to ... Continue Reading



After seeing numerous doctors for digestive issues that were spiraling out of control, I left every appointment feeling unheard, frustrated, hopeless, and untreated. That changed when I finally came across Dr. Cole and his team! They are kind, caring, personable, thorough, and effective. In one years time, the difference in my health has improved exponentially!! I ... Continue Reading



I’m a Whole30 Certified Coach who eats clean and knows my food intolerances. However, my Autoimmune issues were getting worse and my Rheumatologist would only offer me drugs. I turned to Dr. Cole for a fresh perspective and a different set of tests and interpretation of my labs. In only 6 weeks of following his directives I ... Continue Reading



I have not been well for over 20 years. From daily headaches to low gradefevers, and chronic stress and fatigue… I was very sick inside. On top of that, I was diagnosed with mold toxicity. After seeing many doctors and getting no answers, I came across Dr. Cole. I learned through the lab-work he runs, ... Continue Reading



Having had both my parents die from lifestyle choice diseases, I am hyper aware of my health. 10 years ago my health started a slow and steady decline resulting is weight gain, joint pain, brain fog and massive food sensitivities. That was until I met with Dr. Cole and his team. Dr. Cole and his ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his staff truly understand functional and holistic care. As a patient healing from digestive issues, thyroid issues, and multiple auto-immune dysfunctions, I feel listened to and cared for. Dr. Cole is the only doctor that has been able to get to the root cause of my symptoms and treat them. He and ... Continue Reading



I have been struggling with low energy for years. My thyroid tests were border line, but doctors said that I had no need to worry. I had pretty much eliminated sugar from my diet and yet, I was always looking for snacks. I tried many things on my own and I saw a great deal ... Continue Reading



When I reflect on my health experience, the struggles that I faced, and the stress that my body went through and continues to manage, I know where I am today would be completely different without the support from Dr. Cole’s team. I was going through a time where I felt that my body was failing ... Continue Reading



I’ve been a patient of Dr. Cole’s for several months now and I have to say that he and his staff have been so helpful and supportive in my journey to improved health. I’ve had autoimmune issues for a number of years and have finally been able to stick with a diet that works for ... Continue Reading



I am impressed with Dr. Cole and his staff. They are definitely knowledgeable and are a caring staff. Since starting 3 months ago I have lost 40 pounds and counting. The healthy, delicious food recipes have controlled my bloating and histamine problems. I am looking forward to my next blood test based on my health ... Continue Reading



After our son’s autism diagnosis at age three, we tried several different specialists, a developmental pediatrician, and many different diets, supplements, and therapies. While we saw some progress over the years, it was inconsistent, and our son continued to struggle with meltdowns, short attention span, and cognitive, speech, and social delays, as well as gut ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team are a true gift from God. They helped me when I had no hope left that I would heal my autoimmune, thyroid, and hormone issues. They helped me uncover things I didn't know about, put the pieces together, and created a plan that completely healed my body. They are patient, ... Continue Reading



After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease by a rheumatologist and told that my options were to live on steroids and be in pain for most of my life, I had a hard time accepting this answer and went on a search to find an alternative. I discovered Dr. Cole’s book, “The Inflammation Spectrum” and ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his amazing team have gone above and beyond to provide such a supportive role in my healing journey! Dr. Cole was able to give a fresh and new perspective to my case, filling in gaps to accelerate my healing through different foods and supplements I wouldn’t have otherwise known to try. His ... Continue Reading

Pam And Scott

Pam + Scott

Working with Dr. Cole and his team has been a life-changing experience.  After only a few short weeks, we saw the benefits of weight loss, improved sleep, elimination of digestive problems, and high energy levels.  In the beginning, we complained to each other, but now it is second nature, and we are thrilled with the ... Continue Reading



I had been struggling with severe digestive issues (bloating, cramping, diarrhea, and food intolerances) for about a year following a C. Difficile infection. I initially tried nutrition support but had limited success. My anxiety was starting to increase and I thought I would never get better. Dr. Cole’s testing and recommendations took me to the next ... Continue Reading

Auto Draft Dr. Will Cole 66


Dr. Cole and his staff played a big role in my journey to improve my health. They made me more aware and conscious so that I can make better decisions about the food that I eat. I highly recommend Dr. Cole for anyone who is looking to improve their health.

Nadja Dr. Will Cole


For over a decade I had been struggling with inflammation, low thyroid, severe hormonal imbalances, and compromised immunity. Every year things kept getting worse and I felt like I was stuck in a body that didn't want to support my goals in life. I'm on day 73 of my elimination diet and supporting supplements and ... Continue Reading



Dr. Will Cole and his incredible support team have been an absolute dream to receive care from. In the conventional health care system it is so difficult to find physicians who understand your struggles and how to treat them, or truly care enough to help you through the sometimes very long and tough journey to ... Continue Reading

Marcie Dr. Will Cole


Dr. Cole and his team have been a tremendous help in my journey with battling inflammation and autoimmune disease. By eliminating certain foods from my diet and adding the necessary supplements, many of my symptoms (joint pain, fatigue, and skin rashes) have improved. Dr. Cole’s staff is reliable, diligent, and thorough with their recommendations. I’ve ... Continue Reading

Ashley Dr. Will Cole


Dr. Cole and his team have been instrumental in getting my life back. I was feeling so badly that I didn’t have the energy to take care of my two kids. I had horrible histamine headaches daily, fatigue, weight gain, and nausea. Since staring Dr. Cole’s program I feel so much better. I’m not 100% ... Continue Reading

Jessica Dr. Will Cole 1


Before I met with Dr. Cole, I had started to accept my ubiquitous symptoms that were painful, exhausting, and life-hindering as "normal". I was scared to meet with a doctor via zoom, and not in person; but Dr. Cole has made me feel seen and heard since my first virtual appointment with him and has truly taken ... Continue Reading

Kristina Dr. Will Cole


After inexplicably gaining 23 pounds, my doctor provided me with no answers because my labs were "normal" and I was told to "eat less and stop worrying."  Brain fog, exhaustion, and weight gain should not be written off as "getting old." Dr. Cole and his team evaluated my entire medical profile and created an elimination + supplement ... Continue Reading

Kristi Dr. Will Cole


I can’t believe how much better I am feeling. When I first started this program I was pretty desperate. I felt like I hit the bottom, I was feeling terrible every day, not getting much relief from my medicines, and feeling frustrated. Soon after starting this I began feeling better. It gave me some hope. ... Continue Reading



I would first like to express my deep gratitude for what you and your brilliant team do. It is so needed in the world! It is not just the information that you pass on, i.e. the 'what', accompanied by some truly intuitive insights, it is 'how' you do this: with so much love and respect ... Continue Reading



This is my last week. I have learned so much and have had an amazing support system over the last four months. I am going to use everything I have learned to continue my healing journey. I have an upcoming one-on-one lab review meeting and I am so eager to learn more about myself. We ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and team, thank YOU. Thank you for giving me my health back. I've been dealing with an auto-immune disorder since I was 4. This time last year was my breaking point. I felt like I was held hostage to the medication I was taking. It helped me feel a little better on a ... Continue Reading


I am very happy with the care I have received from Dr. Will Cole and his team. Over the past two years we have made more progress than the lifetime I have spent working with specialists to help with my various autoimmune and other illnesses. I feel like I have gained a second chance at ... Continue Reading



Dr Cole and team at Cole Natural Health Centers helped save my life this year. Allopathic doctors were overlooking many red flags and nothing seemed to work. From our initial consult, Dr. Cole was spot on with the root cause. For the first time in my entire medical history I felt heard, seen, and safe ... Continue Reading



After suffering from gut issues, alopecia, eczema and not getting answers from doctors to understand the root cause, I felt hopeless and thought I would always have to deal with these issues. Dr. Cole and his team have changed my life in such a short amount of time. The protocols are not easy, but I ... Continue Reading

Client Testimonial


I appreciate the knowledge base that Dr. Cole has.  He has done his research, and lived through the many facets of autoimmunity, so I can trust him with my health problems. He was positive and encouraging, yet a realist about the road ahead of me. His staff is attentive to my questions, and I look ... Continue Reading

Client Testimonial


I found Dr Cole many years ago when our young daughter was diagnosed with several autoimmune disorders, prescribed multiple medications and still not feeling well.  Dr Cole and his amazing staff educated us on functional medicine and with additional tests found the root causes to my daughter's issues. They provided easy to understand resources and ... Continue Reading

Client Testimonial


I wanted to thank Dr. Will Cole, his Health Coaches & Team for all the support that they have provided me thus far especially after experiencing digestive issues for the last year or so before entering his AHR program. Initially for the last few years I had digestion issues but later found out that I ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team have helped me navigate the complex maze of supplements, diet, and exercise. I used to think that my symptoms were normal, or me just getting older, but Dr. Cole and his caring staff showed me that mild changes to my diet can work wonders. I am genuinely grateful to Dr. ... Continue Reading



I reached out to Dr. Cole after dealing with years of severe GI dysfunction that peaked after a major head trauma. As an athlete and an extremely health conscious person, I knew that my body was in a severe state of imbalance when I could no longer manage my wellness through my own well rounded ... Continue Reading



After meeting with multiple gastroenterologists and receiving no feedback other than a diagnosis with IBS, I decided to consult with Dr. Cole.  Dr. Cole was the only doctor who not only listened to my symptoms but was determined to get to the root cause of them.  After running multiple labs, I finally started to receive ... Continue Reading



I have followed Dr Cole for years before I made an appointment, and he did not disappoint. He took time to go through my tests and came up with a plan that catered to my dietary/ health needs. Whenever I have a question, his team is quick to respond, knowledgeable, and helpful. 



I have been circling around functional medicine for a while. I've had seasonal allergies and migraine headaches since I was little. Since working with Dr. Cole, starting 4 months ago, my migraines have improved by about 50% in frequency. And my allergies were so mild this spring, I did not have to take an allergy ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole's team has been amazing through this whole process by explaining the medical jargon clearly and concisely. They have been incredibly supportive during such a drastic lifestyle change. In just a few weeks from starting my protocol, I could already feel a tremendous difference in my overall health and my previous symptoms were diminishing.  ... Continue Reading



I came to Dr. Cole as a 47 year old female who was having severe perimenopausal symptoms, even though I ate clean and exercised. I was experiencing weight gain, water retention, severe breast pain and mood swings. I would ovulate one week after my period and would then have three AWFUL weeks until my period. ... Continue Reading



As a concierge patient, I have been working with Dr. Cole and his team for over three months to heal my gut and improve my overall wellbeing. I have by far received the best care imaginable. Dr. Cole and his amazing functional medicine team have not only guided me on my health journey, but they ... Continue Reading



I have been on a multi-year journey to improve my skin inflammation/gut issues and am so grateful that I reached out to Dr. Cole and his team. When I reached out to them, I was frustrated with traditional medicine and  their recommendations. Andrea from Dr. Cole’s team listened to me, valued my input, and comforted ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team are truly one of a kind.  They are so supportive and understanding.  The protocol is easy to follow and they provide you with everything you need.  After working with many doctors, naturopaths, etc, I can truly say Dr. Cole and his team are the best out there.  They don’t take ... Continue Reading



For over a decade, I struggled with my health, unable to find answers and the root cause of why my health was declining.  Before reaching out to Dr Cole and his team, I felt very hopeless in my health journey. Dr Cole and his INCREDIBLE team helped me navigate my new diagnosis with Lyme disease and ... Continue Reading



My health journey began 15 months ago, mainly just wanting to lose weight.  And I had some success, to a point.  But the time came when I felt like I needed to take a deeper dive into true health, not just weight loss.  One of the first times I heard Dr. Will Cole speak, I ... Continue Reading



Dr Cole and his team have given me hope.  For almost two years I’ve been dealing with unresolved/undiagnosed symptoms and often I thought I was just going to have to live with them.  I knew something wasn’t right but conventional medicine just kind of blew them off.  Dr Cole and his team are fantastic. They ... Continue Reading



Hi! I am just over a month into care with Dr. Cole and his team and I couldn’t be happier, not only about my progress, but also with the support and guidance I have received from Dr. Cole and his staff. I have worked with other Functional Medicine doctors in the past, as I am ... Continue Reading

Christina Dr. Will Cole


After only a few months of working with Dr. Cole and his team, my life has drastically changed from a health standpoint. It takes work and dedication, but Dr. Cole and his entire staff have been there for me every step of the way with warmth and kindness. During each consultation, they always seem to ... Continue Reading



I want to start by saying that contacting Dr Will Cole was one of the best decisions of my life. I was really lost and so sick with inflammation and no test from my General Practitioner was yielding any answers, only a spiral of self doubt. I was told over and over again that I ... Continue Reading



I feel very blessed and fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Dr Will Cole's office recently with my health struggles. I have worked with MANY conventional medicine practitioners and numerous nutritionists over the recent years without any answers nor long-term improvements in my health issues. Dr Cole and his team take a ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team have been incredibly supportive and helpful as part of my health journey. They have continued to enhance my knowledge of what is going on with my health and giving me a variety of tools to help support my healing. Each and everyone of his staff and Dr. Cole are responsive, helpful, ... Continue Reading



My journey has been long - 2 years visiting specialists, PCP's, multiple CT scans, and MRI's. Nobody has been able to give me answers. I feel that Dr. Cole and his team have properly diagnosed my problem. Through comprehensive Telehealth visits and thorough diagnostic testing that I was denied through the traditional approach, I now ... Continue Reading



For years I have been plagued by gastrointestinal issues left unresolved with multiple visits to gastroenterologists, allergists, and other physicians. In seeking answers and more comprehensive care I found Dr. Cole and his team who have been lifesavers in taking charge of my health via diet and supplementation.  Although still a work in progress, I ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team have truly changed the course of my life. I am forever grateful and the peace of mind he has given me is priceless. Him and his team have given me so much clarity that countless other doctors never did. I am feeling so grateful for this level of care and ... Continue Reading

Jessica Dr. Will Cole 2


I finally have a health plan that works thanks to Dr. Cole and his wonderful team. I suffer from endometriosis/leaky gut and have tried alternative diets on my own to try and combat the symptoms but nothing ever fully worked. The stress of trying to find the next protocol that might "cure" me only added ... Continue Reading



I have struggled with my health for over 20 years. That's half my life. I have spent so much money and worked with over 50 doctors. Each one would try and put a bandaid on my symptoms. Not once did a doctor look at my body as a whole. I refused to just accept that ... Continue Reading



I feel incredibly lucky to have found Dr. Cole and his wonderful team! I have been struggling for 2 years with what felt like a mystery of symptoms. I saw countless doctors and healthcare professionals, with no improvement and no answers. As soon as I got in touch with Dr. Will Cole, the puzzle pieces ... Continue Reading



For the past 3 years I have been suffering from severe eczema, food sensitivities, autoimmune issues, gut problems, etc. for which I had visited several conventional doctors as well as functional medicine practitioners, who could not seem to figure out what was wrong with me. Before enrolling as a patient with Dr. Cole I was desperate ... Continue Reading



I have been working with Dr. Cole and his team for the past two years and it has been life changing. Dr. Cole predicted it would take close to two years for me to see significant changes in my digestion and he was spot on. The team’s protocols for me were all well researched and ... Continue Reading



I am floored by the results I got from Dr. Will Cole. I have been suffering from an autoimmune disease that seemingly came from nowhere. I had people tell me it was genetics, that it was from covid etc. All these answers were wrong and I was band aided with a ton of heavy medicine ... Continue Reading



Working with Dr. Cole and his team is an absolutely unparalleled experience. Not only have I felt empowered, educated, understood and truly seen as both a human and as a patient, the comprehensive nature in which the team recommends labs and interprets them has lead to a life changing protocol put into place in an ... Continue Reading



If you're looking to truly heal, I highly recommend Dr. Cole and his team. I'd been struggling for years with a myriad of different symptoms and issues that indicated something was really wrong with my health, but every other traditional doctor I went to (my GP, a gastroenterologist, etc.) brushed off my symptoms by telling ... Continue Reading



Working with Dr Cole and his staff has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. His team has consistently been extremely kind, thoughtful and patient. My only regret is that I didn’t find this practice sooner. Truly a life changing experience!



I’ve been following Dr. Cole on Instagram for a few years. I finally took the leap and made the call to become a patient. I’ve had a few ailments over the years that are not detectable via conventional medicine. I would feel like I was going nuts until I would see Dr. Cole on Instagram, ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his Team have been absolutely professional, respectful, and caring. They are helping me with conditions that were ailing me, but until I found Dr. Cole and his Team were a mystery. Through a series of tests questions were answered and a course of action was determined. I am sure this approach will ... Continue Reading



I am so happy to have found Dr. Cole and his team! I cannot say enough good things about them. The practitioners, office staff, every single person I have dealt with, including Dr. Cole himself have been so helpful. I have been struggling with digestives issues, sinus problems and muscle pain for the last 7+ ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his staff are absolutely wonderful. I went in a little skeptical, but they have exceeded every expectation!



This program has been a blessing. After years of trying to get answers with many doctors I decided to give Dr. Cole and his team a try. It has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. The program has not been hard to follow, the eating plans have not been difficult, and I have ... Continue Reading



I had been following Dr. Cole for a while before deciding to schedule a consultation. I have tried many, many different treatment plans without much success. I figured I would have to live with my chronic pain. Since my consultation and review of my labs with Dr. Cole and his team. I feel like I ... Continue Reading

Jenifer Dr. Will Cole


Dr. Cole and his team are the most thorough functional medicine providers I have ever worked with. I have been sick for over 25 years and wasted too much time either going from doctor to doctor or self-educating only to try and treat individual symptoms. I have been working with Dr. Cole and his team ... Continue Reading

Anna Dr. Will Cole


Dr. Will Cole and his team are extremely beyond amazing! Highly knowledgeable, professional, and truly care for you as a patient. They give you the best advice and support anytime you need it. What I really love about Dr. Cole and his team is that they will not only help you to evolve into a ... Continue Reading



I am so grateful for the improvements in my health from being bedridden for several months to now being able to enjoy my grandchildren occasionally and even get back to some hiking/walking. I am trying to be patient as I still have a ways to go but the guidance and suggestions from Dr. Cole and ... Continue Reading



I truly didn't know how bad I was feeling until I started to feel better. In just 4 months with Dr. Will Cole and his team of health coaches, I have more energy, less body aches, have stopped taking food enzymes and acid blockers. I am learning how food makes me feel, have lost 5 ... Continue Reading

Kristin Dr. Will Cole


I have Rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud’s syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Following Dr. Will Cole’s plan, I am no longer in pain all over my body every day! It has been a nice change on my body, mind, and soul!



Dr. Will Cole and his team are awesome! I'm back to feeling like my old self again after six years.



I have seen many doctors over many years trying to get to the bottom of my health problems. The health coach Megan at Will Cole's office put her finger on my problem in the first phone call. I really like this approach and for the first time in twenty years it feels like I am ... Continue Reading



Thanks to Dr. Cole and his team, I’ve finally been able to get to the underlying issues that caused me to be sick for some time. Megan has been incredible, running me through all the results of my labs and what to do next. I was unfortunate to become a covid long hauler for quite ... Continue Reading



My experience with Dr. Will Cole and team has been great - after extensive diagnostics, they have developed a comprehensive list of supplements to optimize and achieve my health and wellness goals. As a data driven person, I am excited to be able to track the improvements in my metrics over time and prioritize my ... Continue Reading

Ellie Dr. Will Cole


For an entire year I was terribly sick with bacterial overgrowth and mold toxicity. Without the help of Dr. Cole's team I do not know if I would be healthy and thriving today. I saw countless specialists to help me deal with my health issues; however, none of them were able to give me relief. ... Continue Reading



I started this program with three objectives/hopes: relief from my chronic headaches, to stop the weight gain, and maybe lose a few pounds, and to ease the fatigue/brain fog. My headaches lessened and stay away unless I veer off the diet. I have lost 20 pounds (back to my normal weight), and my brain is ... Continue Reading



Dr.Will Cole and his team have been genuine, kind, and able to find the root cause to my current health issues. The front desk is always willing to help. Although, it’s only been 2 weeks on the protocol, I felt my energy level increase and a small reduction in symptoms. I look forward to seeing ... Continue Reading



I have been so frustrated with my health for decades. I was experiencing general symptoms of fatigue, bloating, acne, persistent GI issues for 15 years, and struggles with weight. Doctor after doctor told me I was fine. I’ve tried healing myself but without a clear place to start. After extensive testing, I finally have answers ... Continue Reading

Brooke Dr. Will Cole


I am so happy I have been able to work with Dr. Cole and his team! I feel so validated and heard and feel like they really took the time to understand my specific health issues and symptoms that were previously dismissed by other doctors. I have been having a great experience with Megan, she ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team present a strong foundation and a formula for good nutrition for life. They supported me at every turn of my health journey and gave me an abundance of critical supportive information for my long haul with psoriatic arthritis. I would recommend Dr. Cole to everyone dealing with health issues.



After years of feeling tired and that something was "off" (despite all of my labs being great), I decided to reach out to have extensive lab work done. I just wanted a clear picture as to what was going on inside my body. The experience thus far has been great. The labs are thorough and ... Continue Reading

Melissa Dr. Will Cole


I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder 2 years ago. With that diagnosis came many medications and at times, lots of antibiotics. All of the medications I was taking to save my life were destroying my gut and my overall health in the process. I was already following Dr. Cole and reading information about gut ... Continue Reading



I just recently started working with Dr. Will Cole's team after listening to his podcast and following him for several years. In the past, I've been frustrated going to see conventional medical doctors because all my labs came back "just fine" and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. Finally, after running through multiple tests ... Continue Reading



You know your body. And when what you're feeling isn't right, you have to fight. But don't fight on your own. There comes a point where you have to surrender looking up your symptoms, diagnosing yourself, and treating yourself with food, supplements, habits, or whatever else you find in your own research - because really, ... Continue Reading



I went to many doctors and specialist with multiple symptoms of inflammation and no one could help me and medications made things worse. Within 30 days on this protocol I got my life back, my energy back, my kids got their mom back and I could not believe the transformation happened so quickly. I am ... Continue Reading



Over 30 years into searching for answers as to why I do not feel well landed me with Dr. Will Cole. And I am happy to say I have made tremendous progress in the 16 weeks to get to the root cause of my health issues and begin my healing journey. Over the years I ... Continue Reading



After more than a year of significant health problems, paying a small fortune for several doctors and Naturopaths with NO change in my health - I was pointed to Dr. Will Cole and his Autoimmune Health Reset Program. I just finished their four-month program, and it was terrific! He and his team have been amazing! ... Continue Reading



Traditional medicine failed me in getting healing in health problems that I have been struggling with for YEARS (10+) and basically all my adult life. I finished Dr. Cole's autoimmune health program and am happy to say I have seen so many of my health issues (swelling, bloating, acne, brain fog, weight, and more) be ... Continue Reading



The staff at Dr. Will Cole's office have been kind, patient, and attentive to all my needs. They have taken the time to really listen to my health concerns and address them in a way to help heal my body, not just cover up the symptoms. It gives me hope for a healthier future and ... Continue Reading



I have just recently begun my journey to healing with Dr. Cole's office. I have worked with Megan and she has been fantastic. She is patient, kind, and so knowledgable. I have had quite a few awful health issues come up after Covid in January. I am hopeful and optimistic after my meetings with Megan ... Continue Reading



Dr. Will Cole and his coaching team have been such a guiding light for me as I go through my health journey. The knowledge and expertise Dr. Cole brought, as well as his coaching team, to the table, has given me the confidence to trust, believe, and follow the health protocols. They were always there ... Continue Reading

Lori Dr. Will Cole


Eating healthy, staying fit, and feeling energetic and clear minded had never been a problem for me until I reached my early to mid-40s. I found myself feeling more fatigued, having less energy and stamina in the gym, experiencing more generalized joint pain and inflammation, struggling with mood swings/anxiety, as well as hair thinning and ... Continue Reading

Carla Dr. Will Cole


The AHR group program is a great program to help one learn and understand nutrition and diet. I have learned so much information that I can take with me to continue on my health journey. Dr. Cole and coach Kristi helped me through this program and I am so grateful for them and this program.

Jessica Dr. Will Cole 3


After numerous doctor and functional doctor visits without any answers or clear directions with my health, I decided to give Dr. Cole and his team a try. Within my first visit, I felt so heard and was finally given the direction I needed to heal. With all the diagnostic tools and supplement protocols personally catered ... Continue Reading

Dawn Dr. Will Cole


For so many years I have been researching and living in a trial-and-error state with my health. Frustrated with doctors not even acknowledging my concerns, I trekked on this self-journey. Dr. Cole and his team finally gave me hope. This process has made me feel worthy of help, gained energy, so much knowledge, tools, and ... Continue Reading

Harriet Dr. Will Cole


I am just finishing the 16 week AHR program and I couldn’t be happier. I learned so much, lost weight, and feel so much better. Thank you to Dr. Cole and all the health coaches for their professionalism and knowledge and availability.

Rachelle Dr. Will Cole


This is a great program with TONS of support - weekly Q&As, many informational sessions, coaching calls, and a dedicated FB page that is monitored. All of the coaches work in a collaborative manner and answer questions and concerns and legitimately care about your health and wellbeing and feeling better. It is a commitment - ... Continue Reading

Lori Dr. Will Cole 1


I am currently finishing up 4 months on the Autoimmune Health Reset (AHR) and I have been very happy with the results. When I originally took the Inflammation Spectrum Assessment, I had relatively high numbers and my biggest complaint was brain fog and poor sleep. I felt like my health was good, but I wanted ... Continue Reading

Maureen Dr. Will Cole


Dr. Cole's Autoimmune Health Reset Program (AHR) is wonderful! I've been searching for answers concerning my health for several years and was not getting clear answers or directions. That changed the very first week within this program! Throughout the entire 16 weeks of this program, I have felt heard, supported, and encouraged. Within the program ... Continue Reading

Vanessa Dr. Will Cole


Signing up with Dr. Cole's Autoimmune Reset program was the best decision I made regarding my health. Prior to starting this program I was having severe brain fog, acid reflux, and many other symptoms. This program has taught me a lot about my body and how to keep my overall health in a good place. ... Continue Reading

Amy Dr. Will Cole 1


Truly life changing! I have been working with Dr. Cole and his team for the past year and have found the experience transformational. Everyone at the clinic is incredibly compassionate and I feel as though I have a new view on my health that never existed until I started working with Dr. Cole and team. ... Continue Reading

Nasrin Dr. Will Cole


If you suffer from autoimmune health issues and have that conventional medicine does little to get to the root of the problem, then you may benefit from the Autoimmune Health Reset (AHR) program with Dr. Will Cole. You will have the support of Dr. Will Cole himself, as well as a team of experienced coaches ... Continue Reading

Savannah Dr. Will Cole


My journey through Dr. Will Cole's program was extremely challenging at first...implementing all the new changes, timing my meals with the supplements, and dealing with the detoxification process. After a while into it, I finally found my groove and noticed how resilient it has made me. I definitely miss the convenience lifestyle, but what I ... Continue Reading

Tonya Dr. Will Cole


My experience with Dr. Will Cole's program was good. I learned more about how to heal my gut, modify my lifestyle, and create foods that will best support creating a more hospitable environment in my body for healing. The program is very organized, and the online community open and accessible. The coaching calls were helpful ... Continue Reading

Carla Dr. Will Cole 1


I'm a Holistic Nutritionist myself and I sought out Dr. Will Cole's team to support my mom in her health journey. Over the years, she has been diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions. Before we began our work with Dr. Cole's team, we made nutritional changes to her diet and experienced only minimal improvement to her ... Continue Reading

Sharon Dr. Will Cole


I have learned so much valuable information from Dr. Cole and his team, and I continue to learn more. They are so helpful and knowledgeable, and I love having all this information in my health toolbox in order to continue my journey to regaining better health. I know I have a ways to go, but ... Continue Reading

Danielle Dr. Will Cole


I am very grateful I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Will Cole and his amazing team. I feel educated and empowered to take back control of my health and truly believe that it can happen. The all encompassing approach to diet and lifestyle is a true game changer. This is not just a ... Continue Reading

Martha Dr. Will Cole


The AHR program has helped me so much!  I’ve lost 55 pounds! My brain fog is much improved and my depression has lifted. My A1C went from 6.9 down to 5.6. My joint pain is gone and I can do stairs much easier. My hair doesn’t fall out as much. My family will attest I am ... Continue Reading

Meg Dr. Will Cole


My health journey has been a long one to finding Dr. Cole and his team. Here I am! I'm so deeply grateful to be working with this team. It's been a true partnership getting to the root of my health and autoimmune issues. Looking forward to our collaborations for a more sustainable approach to healing.

Rosemary Dr. Will Cole


Dr. Will Cole and his team have been awesome in helping me through my healing journey. I have less aches, inflammation, I have healthier eating habits, and feel good about myself. It is a commitment to make a life change, but so worth it.

Kimberly Dr. Will Cole


Dr. Cole and his team are exceptional. I thought I knew a few things before meeting them. The education and advice I have received has been more beneficial than I had hoped. My physical symptoms are abating and even my stress levels have come down. I feel confident knowing they are looking out for me. ... Continue Reading

Maya Dr. Will Cole


Health isn't linear and I've certainly had quite the roller coaster ride since my 2000 Hashimoto's diagnosis. 22 years and 3 kids later, I still very much appreciate the gift of wellness which I've been able to accomplish despite this "label". I don't think it was an accident when I happened upon Dr. Cole's podcast, ... Continue Reading

Keith Dr. Will Cole


I've been working on getting my health and autoimmunity under control since 2012. First 5-6 years I was focused on western medicine, prescriptions, treatments, etc. and no change....maybe worse. In 2020, I read The Inflammation Spectrum and began to tackle disease differently. This past year (2021), I began working with the Dr. Will Cole team ... Continue Reading

Corinne Dr. Will Cole


Dr. Cole and his entire team are truly the best. After searching for years to answers to my health questions and not getting anywhere, they not only got me answers BUT have supported me in implementing the protocols successfully. I am 3 months in and I feel the best I have felt in years. I ... Continue Reading

Riley Dr. Will Cole


After a year of searching for help and answers I found Dr. Cole. Dr. Cole's program was the help we needed to get my daughter's health back on track. His staff was so kind and helpful in walking alongside us as we began the journey to health.

Jamie Dr. Will Cole


For the past five years, I have struggled off and on with chronic inflammation. I was diagnosed at the age of 25 with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I woke up one morning at the age of 33 and I could barely move a joint in my body. I have struggled off and on with my logic ... Continue Reading

Hilary Dr. Will Cole


Working with Dr. Cole is the first time that I feel that I am being treated in a truly wholistic and comprehensive way. I have been struggling with a myriad of health issues for almost a decade - everything from severe digestive related issues to infertility - and despite beginning to work with functional medicine ... Continue Reading

Catherine Dr. Will Cole


I've had two interactions with Dr. Cole's office so far, both with Andrea, and they have FAR exceeded my expectations. Like a lot of folks with chronic health issues, I have been to so many doctors and multiple different practices. Not all functional medicine practices are the same - I spent thousands with a VERY ... Continue Reading

Max Dr. Will Cole


After a round of multiple tests, and more first consult with Andrea, I feel encouraged that I am on the right track for healing. I am looking forward to my journey back to health under the guidance of Dr. Cole and his team of experts. I am appreciative of their kindness and patience thus far, ... Continue Reading



For the first time in 30 years of struggling with IBS-D, histamine intolerance, and mast cell issues the AHR program is what I needed and had been looking for. Finally, I was in the right place and being advised by the right team. I have looked far and wide and tried so many different doctors ... Continue Reading



I came to Dr. Cole a year ago when my conventional doctor found nothing wrong with me, my labs came back normal, and no further action was taken. Dr. Cole ran labs and found much more, which explained my symptoms. He and his team provide the support I have never experienced before in a medical ... Continue Reading



I'm really happy I decided to work with Dr. Cole's team. I had health issues for many years and haven't gotten to the root of the problem until we did extensive lab testing and the team gave me an in-depth understanding of where my issues were coming from. I finally have answers and feel confident ... Continue Reading



I've seen several functional medicine practitioners over the years and have never been able to get to the root of some of my health issues and after reading Dr. Cole's books and listening to tons of his podcasts I knew I had to make an appointment. From the very beginning I found Dr. Cole's staff ... Continue Reading



I just finished 4 months with Dr. Cole's AHR program. I am really glad I was in this program. I have learned lots, gained many tools, and feel changed for the better. Lastly, the team is unbelievably great! Very educated and informative. I especially loved my coach, Kelly. Great experience!



Knowledgeable, caring, complete. These are the words that come to mind when I think about my journey with Dr. Cole and his team over the past 6+ months. Dr. Cole has extensive knowledge in all things health, which is so important because he can see how things work together, rather than only looking at one ... Continue Reading



Dr. Will Cole and his team are fantastic. The last four months of AHR have included a very thorough protocol that has been modified to my specific needs. His team has been very responsive to my challenges and questions along this journey. I know that my issues did not happen overnight and will not remedy ... Continue Reading



I was lost for so many years and overwhelmed with where to start on my health journey. Dr. Cole's office was amazing. They are so knowledgeable and so helpful. I finally got the answers I was looking for and a starting point with clear instructions on what to do to move forward and how to ... Continue Reading


My first experience with Dr. Cole was last year when I signed up for the health reset. I didn't really have a lot of expectations or any major health concerns, being 50 I just wanted to feel my best. I expected weight loss and just feeling better overall. In addition to losing weight, my absolute ... Continue Reading



After many months of not feeling well and visits to multiple doctors, I was ready to "do what it takes" to feel better. I signed up for AHR and am so happy I did. Dr. Cole and his team are supportive and compassionate. You are immersed in an environment of education where you learn your ... Continue Reading



With the help of Dr. Cole's program I feel that it assisted me in connecting the missing links when it came to my health and wellness journey that were a challenge for me to figure out on my own. Even with the help of my own doctors. I truly felt during the program that with ... Continue Reading



I have recently started working with Dr. Cole and his team to deal with mold toxicity issues. From day one I have been treated with care, respect, and empathy. The entire staff are patient focused and extremely knowledgeable. The support I have received to date as I start my protocol has been exceptional. I wholeheartedly ... Continue Reading



After 10 years of trying to alleviate mounting inflammation throughout my body I finally found a program that has been my saving grace. I have found the answers in Dr. Will Cole and his Autoimmune Health Reset program. I have followed many of the leading functional medicine doctors, read their books, joined their summits, tried ... Continue Reading



I've not felt well my entire life, but with the support of Dr. Cole and his team, the Autoimmune Health Reset helped me take charge of my well-being. Through Dr. Cole's anti-inflammatory protocol, my chronic fatigue has decreased, my memory has improved, and my mood is better. (I've also been able to lose a lot ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole's team is premier functional medicine. Extensive and thorough diagnostic testing assessed against optimal benchmarks and thorough assessment to understand root causes of symptoms and potential underlying chronic infections. the approach is truly integrated and the team explains the interrelatedness of how the body works, which feeds into their recommended approach. Their team is ... Continue Reading



Dr. Will Cole's program has been extremely helpful to me and has provided a vast amount of knowledge on many things including fatigue, inflammation, and autoimmune conditions. All of the staff is extremely knowledgeable and all invested in you succeeding. I will definitely be continuing my healing journey with his office in the future.



Enrolling in the Autoimmune Health Reset (AHR) program was the best investment I have made in myself in a while! In just 3 short months I saw a huge transformation in my energy levels and created new eating habits with basic, nourishing foods! The personalized guidance that my nutritionist Kelly provided was so valuable to ... Continue Reading



Working with Dr. Cole and his team has been nothing but life-changing. Over the past four years, I have been struggling with chronic hives. I have been to numerous doctors and tried multiple treatments, but nothing helped. I saw Dr. Cole at an event many years ago and decided to take the leap and schedule ... Continue Reading



My experience with the Autoimmune Health Reset and Lifestyle has been absolutely incredible! I have learned so much over the past four months, and am eager to learn more - about how my body functions and what it needs for optimal health and well-being. I think back to when I began the program and how ... Continue Reading



I have been very interested in improving my health from a holistic standpoint for over 10 years now. My introduction into this world came about from listening to podcast after podcast. After listening to several different podcast shows to get a better understanding of who the bigger players out there are - Dr. Will Cole's ... Continue Reading



My wife has been seeing Dr. Cole and his team since June due to an autoimmune problem. Since then, my wife has completely reshaped her life in so many positive ways. In my case, I have been on a protocol for about two months to clear mold out of my system and heal my gut. ... Continue Reading



Over a year ago my health started to decline rapidly. I was living in a home with toxic mold and it started to impact every aspect of my health and life. I moved out of the home hoping it would help, but I only got sicker as time went on. I looked for help from ... Continue Reading



After years of not being able to figure out completely how all my health issues and symptoms interrelate and what causes them, I took a big step and a leap of faith by contacting Dr. Cole's team. Even though I am located in Germany, I had the distinct feeling that this team would be able ... Continue Reading



I cannot recommend Dr. Will Cole's Health Center enough. As a military veteran who has experienced a great deal of trauma and illness, I was searching for a medical team that truly understood me and could guide me towards a better path for my health and life. From my very first visit, I knew I ... Continue Reading


I've been unwell for 20 years and been to a million doctors. As soon as I joined AHR and had my first call with Dr. Cole and the team, I finally felt heard. Even the way he addresses his patients made me want to cry since I had seen so many doctors that had dismissed ... Continue Reading



Dr. Will Cole and his team have changed my life for the better! I've just completed the 4-month "Concierge Program" and am a new man - ready to continue this journey toward better health. I hit "rock bottom" in October 2022 when my father died, hitting an all-time high on the scale and was very ... Continue Reading



Dr. Will Cole's office has helped me with things I have been struggling with for over a decade. They gave me the opportunity to do testing for things that I’ve never been tested for and gave me the answers I have been looking for. Their team is kind and very responsive. They are extremely helpful ... Continue Reading



I was and still am very excited to continue care with Dr. William Cole's team. I started my journey by taking a free thyroid quiz on his website. This confirmed that I have moderate to severe thyroid dysfunction. I had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's in the past so this was an expected result. ... Continue Reading



As someone who has struggled for more than a year to find a practitioner to listen, evaluate, and really get to the root cause of my issues I was very excited to meet with Dr. Will Cole. Leading up to my appointment the staff was extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and willing to assist with any questions ... Continue Reading



I highly recommend the AHR program. Dr. Will Cole, all the fabulous coaches, and entire staff are so kind, knowledgeable, and helpful. They are 5-star healing journey guides.



I am so grateful that I participated in Dr. Will Cole’s Autoimmune Health Reset program. Dr. Cole and his team of Health Coaches supported my healing journey every step of the way. I began the program after being treated for SIBO and living with pain in various parts of my body for years. I was ... Continue Reading



I spent 30 years trying every diet, alternative therapy, and doctor in order to address a cascade of autoimmune problems. It was getting harder and harder to function, so I signed up for Dr. Cole's program. Although it is a big commitment, I was surprised at how easy it was for me to adapt. I ... Continue Reading



Working with Dr. Will Cole and his functional medicine team has been life changing. I started his program last September and graduated from his AHR program and am currently in his AHL program. I have finally found a doctor who can help me get to the root cause of my health issues. His knowledge coupled ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team are very professional. I was dealing with lots of thyroid related issues when I found this program. Healing will take a long time but the positive change started very early in the program so I slept and felt better soon and my skin issues started to fade out. Amazing food ... Continue Reading



In four months on the AHR protocol I was able to increase my energy, clear my skin, lose 28 pounds, and reduce the pain in my knee from a Baker's Cyst. I'm in my late 50s and have been unable to budge my weight no matter how much I exercised or how well I thought ... Continue Reading



I started my journey to achieve my optimal health a little while ago. I'm impressed with the office efficiency and fast turnaround on any questions I have. The medical staff is attentive and explains everything in easily understandable terms. The comprehensiveness with the testing and diagnostics is truly impressive. I feel like they're really trying ... Continue Reading



My 16 year old daughter was having health issues that my primary doctor could not solve. At the time, she was a very active athlete, A+ student, enthusiastic beginner chef who ate three "mostly healthy" and good sized meals a day but things were "off." She was over a year and a half without her ... Continue Reading



I have been listening to The Art of Being Well podcast for over a year, it is one of my favorite health related podcasts. I decided to reach out to Dr. Cole and his team and do a deep dive into my health. They did extensive labs and testing. I have learned so much about ... Continue Reading



The Autoimmune Health Reset did just that for me - reset me! A plethora of great knowledge and resources were provided and incredible compassion was extended. The Gut Reset phase was especially helpful and I had a huge reduction of symptoms and obvious healing progress. I feel armed and ready with everything I need to ... Continue Reading



Dr. Will Cole and his team are so knowledgeable on a wide array of health problems and their treatment modalities. I felt immediately that they knew exactly how to handle my health concerns, and this was not something I experienced in the past with other medical teams. They were very attentive to my symptoms and ... Continue Reading



I had been running on the inflammation highway for several years, making stops along the way to treat with doctors, specialists, and an out of state clinic. None of these providers could find the root cause of the painful inflammation I had associated with arthritis. In April 2022, I developed excruciating pain in both arthritic ... Continue Reading



I have been working with Dr. Cole and his team for a handful of months now. Everyone on the staff from Dr. Cole all the way to the front office, are incredibly competent, compassionate, and communicative. I have been dealing with a truly disabling chronic illness for nearly three years now - I have been ... Continue Reading



I've just started working with Dr. Cole and his staff but immediately wished I had known about this clinic a long time ago. The staff is friendly, efficient, and I am impressed with the tests that were recommended and the extensive review of the results. I am anxious to continue my health journey with Dr. ... Continue Reading



You get what you pay for! It's incredible to experience the difference at Dr. Cole's practice compared to the mainstream medical system. There are helpful people to assist on the phone, a team to review your case and labs, as well as to create your healing protocol. My suggested lab tests were comprehensive to get ... Continue Reading



I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Will Cole's functional medicine clinic. I finally got to the root cause of some of my health challenges. The staff that I worked with were extremely knowledgeable and thorough. Thank you for helping me on my path towards radiant health!



I participated in Dr. Will Cole's Autoimmune Health Reset (AHR) program. The AHR program has had a significant impact on my health and life. While I do not have an autoimmune condition per se, I did have some health challenges to overcome. I am so grateful for Dr. Cole and all of the health coaches ... Continue Reading



After struggling with some random health issues, and then ultimately being diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, I decided I wanted to take a functional medicine approach to figuring out the root cause(s) of my issues and to hopefully find resolution. I have followed Dr. Cole for quite a while and felt he would be the ... Continue Reading



I recently started my healing journey with Dr. Cole and his team and I am confident that I am in excellent hands! His entire staff is so knowledgeable and helpful, as well as quick to respond to emails and return phone calls. It feel so good to know that I have an entire team of ... Continue Reading



Quality experience and game plan to address symptoms associated with autoimmune condition. A bit pricey, but pretty thorough program with many valuable resources.



I was suffering from many different ailments for the past 4 years - mold, candida, food intolerances, and Epstein barr. Dr. Cole and his team were thoughtful, patient, and above all, well versed in everything I was experiencing. They truly made the process very manageable knowing that I had the entire team's support. I would ... Continue Reading



I came into Dr. Cole's Autoimmune Health Reset program really not knowing what was wrong with me. I have had chronic hives for a year and that is essentially what brought me to the program. Once I started the program, I was told I had Mast Cell Activation Syndrome/Histamine Intolerance. I would have never guessed ... Continue Reading



I found Dr. Cole on Instagram after frantically researching mold toxicity once I’d come to the conclusion that was my issue. He and his team are very knowledgeable, a bit pricey though. I am thankful for all of the other valuable resources Dr. Cole provides such as his podcast “The Art of Being Well”, and ... Continue Reading


For at least 30 years of my life I was struggling with digestive issues, literally as soon as I ate anything I would have symptoms of bloating and indigestion. Suddenly in the last year I had dermatitis all over my eyes, itching, burning eyes, and I had no idea what was causing it. I started ... Continue Reading



I have worked with Dr. Cole and his team since April of 2023 and it has been such a wonderful experience so far. I have struggled with various health issues for about 10 years including PCOS, migraines, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and hormone imbalances that have greatly impacted my quality of life and day to ... Continue Reading



I love working with Dr. Cole and his team. His program is comprehensive and will help you with your health conditions that traditional medicine can't address.



With Dr. Cole and his team, I have found stability, comfort, and a level of support not found in traditional medicine. Participating in the Autoimmune Health Reset program has been a game changer for me, both physically and mentally. Despite my autoimmune diagnoses, I have found new hope for healing. I highly encourage you to ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole changed my life. I had almost lost all hope that someone could really help me feel better. I did his program as a last resort. However, I am coming out of it a believer in functional medicine and holistic solutions.



Dr. Will Cole has changed my life! I had completely lost my health and quality of life due to mixed connective tissue disease, manifesting mainly as scleroderma, and I was fast losing my hope as well. Over the last 2 years, I've gone to doctor after doctor, researched hours upon hours, read book after book, ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and his team are a compassionate, helpful, and professional group of Functional Doctors. As an international client, I was able to receive the care and support to treat various concerns (SIBO, mold exposure, hormone imbalances) that had been ongoing issues for many years. I was finally able to find some relief and continue ... Continue Reading



I wanted to take the time to say thank you to my health coach Esther and Dr. Will Cole. I was battling some swollen lymph nodes in my neck for about 5 months before I found Dr. Cole's program. I tried medication treatments from my doctor and ran through many tests, and everything came back ... Continue Reading



I’m so grateful to Dr. Will Cole and his team. After having various symptoms for many years, I decided to pursue diagnostic testing. I was blown away by the findings. It felt like for the first time I had a full and clear picture of what was going on in my body. Additionally every team ... Continue Reading



Great program. Very informative. Team was very helpful and attentive to my issues. The investment into my health has been worth it.



I have just started with Dr. Will Cole and his team. Although I have only just begun this journey of wellness I know I made the right choice for myself. I have completed my initial consultation, received my lab work based on recommendation and reviewed this with Emily, a wonderful Practitioner on the team. Everything ... Continue Reading



I did the 4-month Autoimmune Health Reset and I am so glad that I did! My hair and skin became healthier and my anxiety diminished. I lost some weight and started to sleep better. I had more consistent, sustained energy and could do both indoor and outdoor chores that I had not been able to ... Continue Reading



Dr. Cole and team are the best functional medicine group I have ever worked with. Coming to them originally, I felt heard and seen for the first time in the medical system, both functional and conventional. The thoroughness of their care, treatment plans, and communication are the best I have seen. Even going from concierge ... Continue Reading



I have been grateful to find Dr. Will Cole and his team. After having various symptoms for many years, but not really understanding if they were expected or not, I decided to pursue a functional approach with diagnostic testing. From the very beginning, the team listened thoroughly. Once I had my tests done, the team ... Continue Reading



I have been struggling with RA for awhile now. My goal has been to be drug free. I actually went almost a year without taking any drugs and then the flares came back full force. The flares migrate around my body causing inflammation, swelling, weakness, and pain. I reached out to Dr. Will Cole's organization ... Continue Reading



I have struggled with my health since I was a kid diagnosed with familial hypercholestremia. Adulthood didn't get any easier with thyroid problems and the overall feeling that something else just wasn't "right". People don't take you seriously when you believe something isn't well if you appear to be fine on the outside. Doing all ... Continue Reading



I have never felt so seen and heard at any doctor appointment I’ve had in 32 years of life. In 2012, following a trip to Central America, I came home with a myriad of strange symptoms. Countless western medicine doctor appointments with countless specialists left me with zero answers — only confusion, frustration, and a ... Continue Reading



It is expensive, but they make it very clear up front before you even schedule the total cost. The cost of this care is on par with similar practices. Dr. Cole and Team are producing an abundance of free information that can really help educate someone struggling with life altering symptoms - the podcast The ... Continue Reading



I can't express how grateful I am for Dr. Cole and his team. In early 2020, I faced debilitating inflammation and an autoimmune diagnosis. Dr. Cole's holistic approach, without the need for steroids, was a game-changer. He guided me through autoimmune flares, detox after mold exposure, and recovery from food poisoning. His expertise is unmatched, ... Continue Reading



I've been dealing with different types of symptoms and I just could not find the root of the problem until I contacted Dr. Cole's office. His office staff are so knowledgeable and after reviewing different tests and labs, they were able to tell me what was causing my symptoms. They gave me a big piece ... Continue Reading



I love Dr. Cole and his team. I have been with them for almost a year and a half. I came to Dr. Cole for inflammation and digestive issues. Dr. Cole and his team have addressed the root cause of these problems. They were very responsive to all my questions and concerns and made sure ... Continue Reading


Working with Dr. Cole and all of his team members the past few months has been nothing short than incredible. I have seen improvements in all aspects of my health including physically, mentally, and emotionally. Before working with Dr. Cole and his team members I was slowly giving up hope on if I would ever ... Continue Reading


I worked with Dr. Cole's team after years of chronic health issues. Everyone that I worked with was genuine, caring & took the time to listen & understand what I was going through (shoutout specifically to Ryanne). His Autoimmune Reset was a game changer for me. When I started about four months ago, I didn't ... Continue Reading


I've been suffering from fatigue and depression, for most of my adult life. I had tried western medicine and almost every alternative medicine practice and diet out there with very little positive effect on my symptoms. I recently have been suffering from long covid which has made it very difficult to continue working. I found ... Continue Reading


I'm super thankful for Dr Will Cole and his team. After struggling for several years with whatever was going on they were finally able to identify the root cause of the problem and provide me a protocol to resolve it. Other doctors just wanted to mask symptoms with pharmaceuticals and not search for the cause ... Continue Reading


I am so grateful to have found Dr. Cole and his team. I have struggled with UC and all the symptoms that go along with it. After working with Dr. Cole and his team, my symptoms have improved tremendously. I am so thankful they were able to tell me the root cause of my symptoms. ... Continue Reading


My husband and I both joined Dr.Will Cole 16 week HR program this past summer after I heard Dr.Will Cole speak about gut and autoimmune health on a podcast HR. It's been a game changer for our health journey. No other type of doctor, or health protocol has really helped us move the needle the ... Continue Reading


I can't say enough positive things about Dr.Cole, Megan and the team at the Telehealth center.  They've been so kind, communicative, and informative throughout my healing journey.  I've learned so much about how to address my health issues and know I'm on the right path and chose the right place to help me.


I’m so thankful that I found Dr. Will Cole and his team. I’ve spent the last 12 years struggling with chronic pain, fatigue, and anxiety stemming from multiple autoimmune diseases. The AHR program has given me the tools needed to heal my body and mind. The whole team, including my health coach Woodbury, were helpful, ... Continue Reading


Dr. Cole and his team have changed my perspective on healing. I had so much fear, including fear of food, fear of worsening symptoms, fear of doing the “wrong” thing etc.  By reading his books and then eventfully signing up as a patient. I found a world of healing and education that I started to ... Continue Reading


After years of disappointment in our sick care system, finding Dr. Cole has completely renewed my faith in what healthcare should be. His incredible team has helped pinpoint the root of my issues, rather than covering them up with band-aids. They are light years ahead of “modern medicine” in terms of knowledge regarding our increasingly ... Continue Reading


For the past 2 years, I have been so sick that I have completely lost all quality of life. I've been watching my family and friends go about their lives while I've been incapacitated with an autoimmune disorder. Conventional medicine has failed me. Dr. Cole, a functional medicine doctor, is the only one who has ... Continue Reading


I can't speak highly enough of Will Cole and his amazing team. It has completely changed my life I am so unbelievably grateful. I've had unexplained health issues for over 25 years & seen countless doctors who dismissed my concerns. I have worked with the team for 4 months now, doing the concierge program. After ... Continue Reading


After 7 years of mysterious health issues, I am finally seeing the light working with Dr. Cole and his team. The comprehensive testing they ordered gave me so much validation and clarity to the mold toxicity, gut issues, nutritional deficiencies and hormone imbalances I have spent thousands of dollars and most of my 30s trying ... Continue Reading


As someone who’s tried everything and seen multiple specialists, I came to accept that I had fibromyalgia and debilitating migraines at just 29 years old. It wasn’t until I met with Dr. Cole’s team that someone finally acknowledged how frustrating it truly was and that there might be hope. While it is expensive, I finally ... Continue Reading


I’m so grateful for Dr. Cole and his team. I found them when I was at rock bottom with my health and it felt like no practitioner was listening or taking my symptoms seriously. Through partnering with their team for years, I’ve been able to work towards healing and get to the root cause of ... Continue Reading


I am so happy to have found Dr. Cole’s program. I have learned through his autoimmune reset protocol how to ease my UC flares through specific healthy foods and natural supplements. 


 Just absolutely amazing group to work with. After years of living with different chronic pain, always being tired and not getting the answers as to why this was going on with me we decided to contact Dr. Cole's office and through the testing they were able to discover the true cause of my illness. The ... Continue Reading


I have seen Dr. Cole and his office for about two months now, and I am already seeing great results! I feel less fatigued and am pleased with their findings within my diagnostic tests, including bloodwork and saliva samples. I appreciate how attentive he and his staff are and look forward to continuing to feel ... Continue Reading


I had an absolutely amazing experience with Dr. Will Cole’s practice. Megan consulted me, sharing not only her insane wealth of knowledge, but also her thorough, comprehensive, and compassionate execution of a care plan. The seamless follow-through relieved any stress of finding solutions on my own. I am so thankful for Megan and couldn’t be ... Continue Reading


I completed Dr. Will Cole’s Autoimmune Health Reset Program and the results are tangible in so many areas.  As someone who has seen functional medicine doctors for over a decade, this is the most wholistic and comprehensive approach I have experienced. I will be forever grateful for the health foundation I received through this program. ... Continue Reading


I found Dr. Cole after many years of not being well. I had some great doctors and naturopath who helped me a lot, but just never quite enough. I would get better for a while then sick again. I accidentally discovered Dr. Cole's AHR program and set up a virtual contact consultation. I was scared ... Continue Reading


I just had a diagnostic appointment with Andrea from Dr. Cole's team. She was extremely knowledgeable and was great at explaining the results to me. Andrea was super kind and thorough, even relating to me by sharing her own experiences. Dr. Cole and his team found a hidden issue that I would never guessed and ... Continue Reading


Dr. Will Cole and Team have been a tremendous help in my recovery back to Self. They uncovered things that many doctors had yet to mention or notice. The lab work is thorough and they provide an in depth overview and suggestions based upon the findings. I have been a patient under active care since ... Continue Reading


So very thankful to have found Dr Cole and his team. I was a fan of the podcast for about 8 months until I took the leap and became a patient. I've spent 8+ years looking for answers from many different doctors. Dr Cole and his team were the first to really look deep into ... Continue Reading


I’ve been working with Dr. Cole and his experienced health coaches for the last year. I’m blessed to be a grandma of three and 73 years old. Alternative medicine is not new to me, as I began having issues in my 40’s. Food allergies, rashes, compulsive eating - yet steadily losing weight, impaired sleep, bone ... Continue Reading


I began working with the Dr. Will Cole team in 2022 after identifying some changes in my overall health status as I began navigating through perimenopause. Since that time, my symptoms of lethargy, brain fog, sleeplessness, etc. have gotten progressively better! The journey to optimal health is certainly a commitment, but having a dedicated team ... Continue Reading


Dr. Cole's AHR program has helped me tremendously on my health journey and has ben a beacon of light.


Dr. Cole and his team are incredible! I have worked with Dr. Cole and his team for about a year and have reduced by 2/3 the amount of RA medicine I take and I feel tons better than I did this time last year. The staff is thoughtful, knowledgeable, and incredibly supportive. The healing journey ... Continue Reading


The team at Dr. Cole's office has been so kind and helpful on this challenging journey. Working to uncover the source of my autoimmune issues and tailoring my treat and plan to deal with the underlying factors (I would never have guessed I had), gave me a huge relief. It felt like a weight was ... Continue Reading


I have been working with the Will Cole team for about six months. Initial extensive blood testing, urine, and stool analysis revealed that I needed to follow a strict detox protocol to address a leaky gut, mold, and toxins in my blood that were all contributing to inflammation. The inflammation was not a surprise, as I suffer ... Continue Reading


I have just completed the AHR program and it exceeded my expectations. My coach, Kelly, was excellent. I finally feel like I am giving my body what it loves and needs. Thank you Dr. Cole and your team.


I have been thoroughly impressed with the level of care and expertise provided by Dr. Will Cole’s team. Not only were they highly skilled and professional, but they also demonstrated an extensive knowledge of the latest testing methods and technologies. The comprehensive testing they had me complete resulted in answers that I have been searching ... Continue Reading


My health journey has been long and frustrating, often feeling like I've been spinning my wheels with little progress (or help from conventional doctors). However, after undergoing testing and discussing the results, I feel more hopeful than I have in a long time about addressing the root cause of my issues and making positive progress. ... Continue Reading

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I was struggling with HS for years before seeing Dr. Cole. Dr. Cole and team have helped me get to the root cause of my symptoms and identified other issues that I didn't even know existed. The overall cost of treatment, testing, and supplements is very expensive, it is worth the peace of mind to ... Continue Reading

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I have literally been so unwell for over fifteen years with debilitating symptoms like cognitive & vestibular issues, vertigo, fatigue, anxiety and depr"ession.  I've seen so many 'specialists' and spent thousands of dollars.  The conventional medical system has completely failed me with multiple incorrect diagnoses and prescribing drug after drug, which only made me feel ... Continue Reading


After years of struggling with seemingly random health issues, it has been such a blessing to find Dr. Will Cole and his team. I tried and researched every health trend in an attempt to heal myself. It was when I stumbled across a video of Dr. Will Cole saying something along the lines of, "The reason your symptoms ... Continue Reading


I spent the past four months in Dr. Cole’s Autoimmune Health Rest program, and I believe it has changed my life. For over 7 years, I struggled with significant gastrointestinal issues, hormone imbalances, brain fog, fatigue, skin discoloration, and insomnia, among other symptoms. I didn’t feel like myself, even though my labs and doctors usually ... Continue Reading

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Dr. Cole has helped me with my overall health; physical and mental. His approach to helping me learn about my own bio-individuality has allowed me to truly learn what I need to feel healthy. As a woman in my early 50's I was feeling so many hormonal issues and with Dr. Will and his team ... Continue Reading

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Dr. Will Cole and his team of health coaches have been lifesavers! After decades of suffering with various health issues (chronic inflammation, joint pain, debilitating fatigue, weight loss resistance, brain fog, SIBO, leaky gut), I have finally found solutions and a path forward in his Autoimmune Health Reset program. The only help I got from ... Continue Reading


I have several chronic health issues for which my traditional Western doctors were prescribing medications. These were merely band-aids masking my symptoms. Dr. Will Cole and his health coaches are phenomenal, kind, empathetic, and extremely knowledgeable. Their guidance through Zoom meetings and their health portal has changed my life for the better. The health portal ... Continue Reading

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I want to thank Dr. Cole's team for their AHR program and coaching! It was a life-changing experience! I have had major health issues my entire life and the comprehensive resources and support from their amazing coaches and calls made all the difference in my health and healing journey. I highly recommend this program and ... Continue Reading


I saw the improvement my wife experienced working with Will Cole's office and this encouraged me to become a patient. The staff provided a very comprehensive assessment and interpretation of my initial health, providing me with a clear path for my journey to improve my health with functional medicine. I am impressed with my experience.


Dr. Will Cole and his team of health coaches have been lifesavers! After decades of suffering from various health issues (chronic inflammation, joint pain, debilitating fatigue, weight loss resistance, brain fog, SIBO, leaky gut), I have finally found solutions and a path forward through his Autoimmune Health Reset program. The only help I received from ... Continue Reading


Thank you to Dr. Will Cole and his team for their incredible knowledge and dedication to their clients. I have been battling a myriad of health issues: mold, Lyme, EBV, MCAS/Histamine for years with little to no improvement regardless of what protocols I have been on. Dr. Will Cole's team dug deeper into my health ... Continue Reading

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After experiencing an alarming autoimmune issue after successfully beating cancer four years prior, I saught help from Dr. Cole and his amazing staff. If you truly wish to engage in your own healing, want to be heard, gain understanding, and can relax within knowledge of the fact that you are truly In the best of ... Continue Reading


I am so grateful to have had the support of Dr. C and his staff as we have worked on various health issues during the past few years. It is because of them that I have a truly amazing quality of life at 72 yrs old. I scheduled my first session with Dr. Cole because ... Continue Reading

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If you are serious about getting healthier, the anti-inflammation plan through Dr. Will Cole will change your life… for the better. Although I had worked with a dietician when I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis and gotten some good results, it ended up being a diet that limited my food choices to about 15 different ... Continue Reading

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An extraordinary program, chock full of support and information, that has given me back my mind and body after years of despair!

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Dr. Will Cole's team has helped me uncover the cause of several challenges with my health. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune and was told that my only option was an immunosuppressant injection for the rest of my life and there was no effort to identify the cause of this autoimmune or any other challenges ... Continue Reading

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I finally feel like I have found someone to help me get to the route of my symptoms and who will help me create a plan to address these issues. Andrea is extremely thorough and took the time to explain all test results to me. So grateful to have found Dr. Cole and his team!

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I cannot say enough positive things about my experience under Dr. Will Cole's care. Prior to starting he Autoimmune Health Reset, I had been to countless doctors, had thousands of dollars' worth of tests done both in the allopathic and naturopathic realms- all of which was inconclusive and left me feeling defeated and still very ... Continue Reading


Megan and the entire team at Dr. Cole’s office are simply outstanding! Their comprehensive approach to functional medicine has been eye-opening for me. The thorough evaluations and tailored treatment plans have improved issues that traditional medicine overlooked. Megan and the staff are incredibly supportive and friendly. I appreciate how Megan listens and explains everything in ... Continue Reading