It’s Time to Regain Your Health

Heal Your Hormones, Brain & Gut

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Instant Access To Expert Advice

Are you struggling with hormonal problems? Or brain problems like anxiety, depression or brain fog? Maybe you have digestive issues that you can’t figure out – well, it’s time for you to learn about the underlying connections between your brain, your hormones and your digestive system. This course can be your first steps to regain your health, reverse disease and move on with your life.


Get access anytime to expert advice with 13 exclusive video lessons.


Ask Dr. Will Cole direct questions and get exclusive course content.


See the exact labs you need to find out why you feel the way that you do.

Course Overview

  • 40 minutes of educational information + instruction from leading functional medicine expert, Dr. Will Cole.
  • Tips and tricks to equip you with everything you need to make the best most informed decision about your hormonal, brain & digestive health.
  • Exclusive e-books on hormone, brain, digestive, and immune health.
Heal Your Hormones Brain &Amp; Gut Dr. Will Cole

Is This Course for You?

  • You are diagnosed or struggling with a hormonal imbalance.
  • You are diagnosed or struggling with brain problems such as brain fog, anxiety, or depression.
  • You are diagnosed or struggling with digestive issues such as constipation, bloating, gas, diarrhea, SIBO, candida overgrown, or leaky gut syndrome.
  • You want to learn how to take your health into your own hands and manage it, naturally.

What You Will Learn

We live in a world where healthcare means running basic labs that don’t find the root issue and instead provide a growing list of medications to cover up symptoms. Start to finally understand why you feel the way you do and discover what it takes to get on the path to true health.

  • The differences between Functional Medicine and mainstream medicine so you can have a clear path to overcome your health problems.
  • The connection between your brain, digestive system and hormones.
  • The reason for the rise of brain problems such as anxiety, depression and brain fog.
  • The underlying causes for digestive issues like constipation, IBS and acid reflux.
  • The source of hormonal problems like weight gain and chronic fatigue.
  • Why you continue to have symptoms despite “normal” labs.
  • The underlying thyroid problems that don’t show up on standard labs.
  • A step-by-step walk-through of the exact labs that should be run to find out why you feel the way that you do.
  • How to interpret your labs the right way and what to do about it.
  • Exactly which foods to eat and which foods to avoid for optimal hormone, brain & digestive health.
  • Functional medicine tools to start healing your body, naturally.
Functional Medicine Video Courses Dr. Will Cole

How It Works

You will get lifetime, unlimited 24/7 access to the course wherever you are at. With the ability to pause, resume, and replay any part of the course you can learn at your own pace and come away confident in your newfound knowledge.

  • You’ll receive practical functional medicine tools throughout the course that you can put directly into practice in your daily life. There’s no need to wait to start living healthier.
  • Downloadable Ebooks on subjects relating to hormone, brain digestive, and immune health give you additional resources to build upon your newly acquired knowledge and show you just how interconnected the body really is.

Get Started


(reg. $197)

What You Will Get

Healing Bundle with 5 Functional Medicine E-Guides
Video Masterclass

Video Course Introduction

Video Course Introduction 0:44min
About Dr. Will Cole 0:48min
The Three Main Differences Between Functional Medicine & Mainstream Medicine 2:38min

Functional Medicine VS. Mainstream Medicine

The Journey Through Mainstream Medicine 1:23min
Go Beyond The Label 3:22min
Medications 2:40min
Gauges For Assessing Your Health 2:41min

A Deeper Look

The Microbiome & Immune System 2:34min
Gut-Brain Problems 6:11min
The Brain-Hormonal Axis 9:05min

Finding The Right Solution

The Solution Is Individualized Treatment 4:16min
Your Doctor Is Frustrated Too 3:03min
Next Steps 1:47min