

I’ve been working with Dr. Cole and his experienced health coaches for the last year. I’m blessed to be a grandma of three and 73 years old. Alternative medicine is not new to me, as I began having issues in my 40’s. Food allergies, rashes, compulsive eating – yet steadily losing weight, impaired sleep, bone loss, chronic wounds and fatigue were all mine. I worked 4 days per week and babysat the other 2. Various natural health practitioners helped me along the way, but certain aspects would always remain. I continued to lose ground. When a new symptom appeared on the scene – a crushing level of anxiety, there were times I could barely walk. Sadly, my family terminated the babysitting and I later resigned from my job. Perhaps God was seeing my plight when the name of Dr. Will Cole came across my path. ZOOM made an interview possible and the team took me on. Extensive testing was ordered, supplements sent, and I began on a gut-healing, soothing diet of bone broth, soups and stews. Test results showed three culprits – mold, Lymes and glyphosate. There would be much to learn and implement! That was when I met the various health coaches, who chatted with me on ZOOM at least 2 times per week about recipes, detoxing with charcoal, herbal drops, sinus rinses and sweating. I learned about healthy fats, finding quality, affordable protein, how to do all this and travel, plus the big issue of handling panic, toxic thoughts, and ruminating with mindfulness. I found Dr. Cole and his staff to be a steady source of encouragement, valuable information, help in problem solving, and gentle grace when I messed up. Retesting shows the progress made, so right now my mold is gone (!!!) and I’m focusing on getting the weed killer out. How would I have ever known my underlying issues and the tools to use without these great folks guiding me? Thank you, Dr. Cole and each of you coaches. I’m so grateful for you!

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