


In four months on the AHR protocol I was able to increase my energy, clear my skin, lose 28 pounds, and reduce the pain in my knee from a Baker’s Cyst. I’m in my late 50s and have been unable to budge my weight no matter how much I exercised or how well I thought I was eating. Other women told me that in menopause I would gain weight, my skin would get worse and become papery thin in develop rosacea, and my mental clarity would be foggy. I was terrified of going off of my naturally compounded hormones. I weaned off the hormones right before I started Dr. Cole’s protocol. Even though my knee is arthritic, I can bike, walk, and do yoga and retain my mobility. I’m ready to work and play for many more decades. Thanks to AHR, menopause is something I embrace, not fear.

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