In November 2015 I was on two types of insulin, one of these medications caused my body to retain fluids, and for a lack of better words, to thicken up. The clothes that I had worn just a month before did not fit. My legs had swollen up and they were seeping fluid, causing the front of my pants legs to become wet. I had to place bandages on them to control the seepage. My wife noticed a program that Dr. Will Cole was presenting on leaky gut syndrome. At first I wasn’t sure that I wanted to attend this lecture but we attended it in December 2015. After listening to Dr. Cole’s presentation I knew that this was something that we had to proceed with. It was one of the best decisions that I have made other than marrying my wife, Valerie. My blood, stool and saliva, specimens were sent to the lab. I learned that I truly have a leaky gut problem. I was allergic to gluten, and had a candida yeast infection. I had low iron and vitamin D deficiency. Since January 2016, following the protocol that Dr. Cole laid out I can say in all honesty I have not felt this good in a long time. I was informed by my endocrinologist that I no longer have to take insulin, and my cardiologist said I could reduce my blood pressure medication. I am now down to one pill a day. My blood pressure is down as well. Since January 2016, I’m down 48 pounds. This is not a diet but a lifestyle change and one that I can say is for the better. My health is better than it has been in a long time. I have more energy and feel good about life in general. I feel good about me.