


Over a year ago my health started to decline rapidly. I was living in a home with toxic mold and it started to impact every aspect of my health and life. I moved out of the home hoping it would help, but I only got sicker as time went on. I looked for help from doctors, only to be made to feel crazy, like the standard detox protocols I could find myself on Google should be enough. They weren’t sure why I wasn’t getting better and honestly didn’t seem like they cared to know. After over a year of spinning my wheels, I finally decided I had to do whatever it took to fix this. I reached out to Dr. Cole’s team, and after my initial consultation with Andrea I finally felt hopeful. We did extensive testing to uncover the root cause and after a year and a half I finally got answers. I’m so glad I found Andrea, and Dr. Cole’s team and I’m so hopeful that I’m finally going to be able to heal and so excited for the journey ahead. Thank you!

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