


After our son’s autism diagnosis at age three, we tried several different specialists, a developmental pediatrician, and many different diets, supplements, and therapies. While we saw some progress over the years, it was inconsistent, and our son continued to struggle with meltdowns, short attention span, and cognitive, speech, and social delays, as well as gut dysbiosis. After six years of various treatments, it was clear that we needed to try something new. At our first appointment, Dr. Cole took the time to get to know our son’s history and our concerns. Testing was done and based on the results, an individualized diet and supplement plan was prescribed, as well as a gentle detoxification program. We learned that beyond our son’s gut issues, he is also reacting to mold and has autoimmune issues. Dr. Cole provided us with a comprehensive treatment plan for our son. After years of not knowing what to do next, it was a relief to have an actual plan to follow. It was also comforting to have frequent check-ins with Dr. Cole and our health coaches to have our questions answered and guidance throughout the dietary and supplement implementation phase.

We are thankful for the support that Dr. Cole and his team provided us through the challenges our son faced when starting to detox and introduce dietary changes, and they continue to be supportive of us every step of the way. Although we only started seeing Dr. Cole a few months ago, we have already noticed progress. Our son has less meltdowns, is more engaged, uses less repetitive speech, is asking more questions, and is generally more aware of his surroundings. As parents, we never stopped believing that our son can heal. We now feel that we are on the path to restoring our son’s health and are thankful to have Dr. Cole’s guidance and support on our journey. 

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