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Experience Revitalization with the Autoimmune Health Reset:
Your Personalized Pathway to Radiant Health

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Experience Revitalization with the Autoimmune Health Reset:
Your Personalized Pathway to Radiant Health

The Four Pillars Of
The Autoimmune Health Reset

Woman On Zoom Call


Top Functional Medicine, Expert Coaching, United Community & Steadfast Accountability

Unleash your potential! The most successful people in the world virtually always have a solid plan and then the right coaching & expertise to move them toward their goals beyond what they can do alone.


Top Functional Medicine, Expert Coaching, United Community & Steadfast Accountability

Unleash your potential! The most successful people in the world virtually always have a solid plan and then the right coaching & expertise to move them toward their goals beyond what they can do alone.

Woman On Zoom Call
Cooking Chicken Broth


Nutrition As Your Ally & Medicine

Learn which foods BUILD YOUR health and eat MORE of them - And which foods are INFLAMMATORY for you and eat LESS of them. No more food fear, only food freedom. Discover how the right nutrition can be a powerful ally in your health journey. We’ll guide you to identify nourishing foods and those that may be feeding your inflammation. It’s about progress, not perfection.

Cooking Chicken Broth


Nutrition As Your Ally & Medicine

Learn which foods BUILD YOUR health and eat MORE of them - And which foods are INFLAMMATORY for you and eat LESS of them. No more food fear, only food freedom. Discover how the right nutrition can be a powerful ally in your health journey. We’ll guide you to identify nourishing foods and those that may be feeding your inflammation. It’s about progress, not perfection.

Cooking Chicken Broth


Nutrition As Your Ally & Medicine

Learn which foods BUILD YOUR health and eat MORE of them - And which foods are INFLAMMATORY for you and eat LESS of them. No more food fear, only food freedom. Discover how the right nutrition can be a powerful ally in your health journey. We’ll guide you to identify nourishing foods and those that may be feeding your inflammation. It’s about progress, not perfection.



Supplements That Empower

Professional Grade, Pure Supplement Formulas
Designed to RESTORE your body’s NATURAL & SAFE detoxification processes, PROPER nourishment, a BALANCED microbiome & COMPLETE cellular healing.


Supplements That Empower

Professional Grade, Pure Supplement Formulas
Designed to RESTORE your body’s NATURAL & SAFE detoxification processes, PROPER nourishment, a BALANCED microbiome & COMPLETE cellular healing.



Supplements That Empower

Professional Grade, Pure Supplement Formulas
Designed to RESTORE your body’s NATURAL & SAFE detoxification processes, PROPER nourishment, a BALANCED microbiome & COMPLETE cellular healing.



You Can’t Heal a Body You Hate

You’ll develop a new mindset of healing through self-love and celebration of each milestone, big or small. Nourishing your body and mind isn’t about adhering to strict rules, but about finding joy and fulfillment in your journey to wellness.



You Can’t Heal a Body You Hate

You’ll develop a new mindset of healing through self-love and celebration of each milestone, big or small. Nourishing your body and mind isn’t about adhering to strict rules, but about finding joy and fulfillment in your journey to wellness.



You Can’t Heal a Body You Hate

You’ll develop a new mindset of healing through self-love and celebration of each milestone, big or small. Nourishing your body and mind isn’t about adhering to strict rules, but about finding joy and fulfillment in your journey to wellness.

The Autoimmune
Health Reset
Proprietary Process…

The Autoimmune Health Reset
Proprietary Process…

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The Nourishing Reset

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PHASE ONE: The Nourishing Reset

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PHASE ONE: The Nourishing Reset

I. Prepare & Nourish Your Pathways

Using proprietary and advanced nutrition protocols we prepare and wake up your downstream pathways such as your lymphatic system, liver, kidneys & G.I. tract. Using nutrition and advanced protocols we prepare your downstream pathways for safe and effective elimination of toxins. This process is also very important for gentle support of your body’s detoxification systems.


To prepare your downstream detox pathways and support the body’s natural detoxification process by re-establishing methylation & boosting your lymphatic system, liver, kidney and gut function.

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An incredibly quick and noticeable boost in overall health & wellbeing!

I. Prepare & Nourish Your Pathways

Using proprietary and advanced nutrition protocols we prepare and wake up your downstream pathways such as your lymphatic system, liver, kidneys & G.I. tract. Using nutrition and advanced protocols we prepare your downstream pathways for safe and effective elimination of toxins. This process is also very important for gentle support of your body’s detoxification systems.


To prepare your downstream detox pathways and support the body’s natural detoxification process by re-establishing methylation & boosting your lymphatic system, liver, kidney and gut function.

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An incredibly quick and noticeable boost in overall health & wellbeing!

I. Prepare & Nourish Your Pathways

Using proprietary and advanced nutrition protocols we prepare and wake up your downstream pathways such as your lymphatic system, liver, kidneys & G.I. tract. Using nutrition and advanced protocols we prepare your downstream pathways for safe and effective elimination of toxins. This process is also very important for gentle support of your body’s detoxification systems.


To prepare your downstream detox pathways and support the body’s natural detoxification process by re-establishing methylation & boosting your lymphatic system, liver, kidney and gut function.

Ahrasset 7


An incredibly quick and noticeable boost in overall health & wellbeing!

II. Mend Your Gut

Research has shown us that many chronic and autoimmune diseases have their roots in gastrointestinal problems, and a large part of that research is centered around damage to the intestine’s protective lining. This is called leaky gut syndrome and it happens when the gut lining permeability allows bacterial toxins and undigested food particles to pass into the bloodstream where they don’t belong.


Restore the integrity of your intestinal lining & reseed the gut with high potency probiotics to balance your microbiome.

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A happier healthier gut, less bloating, improved digestion, as well as less irritability and improved overall mood. Other benefits include: Improved brain function, lowered Inflammation, stronger immune system, better skin & more…

II. Mend Your Gut

Research has shown us that many chronic and autoimmune diseases have their roots in gastrointestinal problems, and a large part of that research is centered around damage to the intestine’s protective lining. This is called leaky gut syndrome and it happens when the gut lining permeability allows bacterial toxins and undigested food particles to pass into the bloodstream where they don’t belong.


Restore the integrity of your intestinal lining & reseed the gut with high potency probiotics to balance your microbiome.

Ahrasset 7


A happier healthier gut, less bloating, improved digestion, as well as less irritability and improved overall mood. Other benefits include: Improved brain function, lowered Inflammation, stronger immune system, better skin & more…

II. Mend Your Gut

Research has shown us that many chronic and autoimmune diseases have their roots in gastrointestinal problems, and a large part of that research is centered around damage to the intestine’s protective lining. This is called leaky gut syndrome and it happens when the gut lining permeability allows bacterial toxins and undigested food particles to pass into the bloodstream where they don’t belong.


Restore the integrity of your intestinal lining & reseed the gut with high potency probiotics to balance your microbiome.

Ahrasset 7


A happier healthier gut, less bloating, improved digestion, as well as less irritability and improved overall mood. Other benefits include: Improved brain function, lowered Inflammation, stronger immune system, better skin & more…

III. Balance Your Biome

You are a host to trillions of microbes that have a tremendous influence on health and well-being. Your microbiome in large part determines your immune response as well as a measurable effect on your metabolism, fat loss, and inflammation levels throughout the body.


Rejuvenate your microbiome's balance and function.

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Unleash a wave of increased energy, sharper focus, and heightened overall function. This leads to a robust vitality, enhanced endurance, and an invigorating zest for each day. In this phase, patients typically experience positive changes almost daily. The residual energy left at the end of each day kick starts your body's healing process, catalyzing an exciting transformation towards wellness!

III. Balance Your Biome

You are a host to trillions of microbes that have a tremendous influence on health and well-being. Your microbiome in large part determines your immune response as well as a measurable effect on your metabolism, fat loss, and inflammation levels throughout the body.


Rejuvenate your microbiome's balance and function.

Ahrasset 7


Unleash a wave of increased energy, sharper focus, and heightened overall function. This leads to a robust vitality, enhanced endurance, and an invigorating zest for each day. In this phase, patients typically experience positive changes almost daily. The residual energy left at the end of each day kick starts your body's healing process, catalyzing an exciting transformation towards wellness!

III. Balance Your Biome

You are a host to trillions of microbes that have a tremendous influence on health and well-being. Your microbiome in large part determines your immune response as well as a measurable effect on your metabolism, fat loss, and inflammation levels throughout the body.


Rejuvenate your microbiome's balance and function.

Ahrasset 7


Unleash a wave of increased energy, sharper focus, and heightened overall function. This leads to a robust vitality, enhanced endurance, and an invigorating zest for each day. In this phase, patients typically experience positive changes almost daily. The residual energy left at the end of each day kick starts your body's healing process, catalyzing an exciting transformation towards wellness!

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PHASE TWO: The Foundation Phase

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PHASE TWO: The Foundation Phase

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The Foundation Phase

IV. Restore & Support Your Body’s Natural Ability to Detox

Using nutrition & proprietary blended supplement formulas & next level methylation to support, liver cleansing, intracellular cleansing, mitochondrial support for optimal cellular energy, reduced inflammation and multi-mineral support for optimal brain health gently and safely support the body’s natural detoxifying processes from the body and the brain.


To re-establish your body’s natural ability to detox, lower inflammation, heal the cell membrane and cell receptors so that they can receive the vitamins and nutrients & hormones that they need to produce enough energy function so that your whole body thrives.

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Even more hormone optimization, increased energy, improved brain function, better digestion & more…

IV. Restore & Support Your Body’s Natural Ability to Detox

Using nutrition & proprietary blended supplement formulas & next level methylation to support, liver cleansing, intracellular cleansing, mitochondrial support for optimal cellular energy, reduced inflammation and multi-mineral support for optimal brain health gently and safely support the body’s natural detoxifying processes from the body and the brain.


To re-establish your body’s natural ability to detox, lower inflammation, heal the cell membrane and cell receptors so that they can receive the vitamins and nutrients & hormones that they need to produce enough energy function so that your whole body thrives.

Ahrasset 7


Even more hormone optimization, increased energy, improved brain function, better digestion & more…

IV. Restore & Support Your Body’s Natural Ability to Detox

Using nutrition & proprietary blended supplement formulas & next level methylation to support, liver cleansing, intracellular cleansing, mitochondrial support for optimal cellular energy, reduced inflammation and multi-mineral support for optimal brain health gently and safely support the body’s natural detoxifying processes from the body and the brain.


To re-establish your body’s natural ability to detox, lower inflammation, heal the cell membrane and cell receptors so that they can receive the vitamins and nutrients & hormones that they need to produce enough energy function so that your whole body thrives.

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Even more hormone optimization, increased energy, improved brain function, better digestion & more…

V. Maximize & Multiply Your Mitochondria

When it comes to the human body, energy is everything. If you don’t have enough energy to get through the day, your body is not going to have the energy it needs to heal. So in this phase we begin to optimize the mitochondria both in output as well as in quantity. This is how you have all day energy, but more importantly this is what your body needs to heal itself.


Fuel your cells with everything they need to maximize cellular energy output. Increase the number of mitochondria in your cells.

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Next level vibrancy, motivation, energy, clarity & healing. Improved overall function of the entire body, as every cell in your entire body requires energy to function.

V. Maximize & Multiply Your Mitochondria

When it comes to the human body, energy is everything. If you don’t have enough energy to get through the day, your body is not going to have the energy it needs to heal. So in this phase we begin to optimize the mitochondria both in output as well as in quantity. This is how you have all day energy, but more importantly this is what your body needs to heal itself.


Fuel your cells with everything they need to maximize cellular energy output. Increase the number of mitochondria in your cells.

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Next level vibrancy, motivation, energy, clarity & healing. Improved overall function of the entire body, as every cell in your entire body requires energy to function.

V. Maximize & Multiply Your Mitochondria

When it comes to the human body, energy is everything. If you don’t have enough energy to get through the day, your body is not going to have the energy it needs to heal. So in this phase we begin to optimize the mitochondria both in output as well as in quantity. This is how you have all day energy, but more importantly this is what your body needs to heal itself.


Fuel your cells with everything they need to maximize cellular energy output. Increase the number of mitochondria in your cells.

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Next level vibrancy, motivation, energy, clarity & healing. Improved overall function of the entire body, as every cell in your entire body requires energy to function.

The Autoimmune Health Reset
Clinical Care Exclusives

The Autoimmune
Health Reset
Clinical Care Exclusives


Access to Dr. Will Cole
& His Expert Team


Proprietary Functional
Medicine Nutrition Protocols


Dr. Will Cole Natural
Supplement Protocol


The AHR Care &
Community Mastermind


Advanced Stress &
Emotional Health Strategies

Access to Dr. Will Cole
& His Expert Team


Step into a transformative health journey with Dr. Will Cole and his expert team! They’re experts at navigating complex autoimmune conditions and hormonal imbalances, and they’re ready to create a custom strategy to meet your unique health needs.

This isn’t about throwing medication after symptoms , it’s about designing a holistic health blueprint specifically for you. It’s like having your personal wellness champions, committed and geared up for your journey.

Facing challenges? No worries! Dr. Cole’s team will be with you, providing solid support and encouragement when you need it most. They’re all about being your rock in this journey.

The winning formula? The program champions self-love and celebration. It’s not only about improving your health, but it’s also about feeling great about yourself in the process. Get ready for a health journey with Dr. Cole and his team that’s rewarding, engaging, and tailored just for you.

You Get:Top-tier care from wherever you are! No stress, just focused, expert care in the comfort of your own space.

Access to Dr. Will Cole & His Expert Team


Step into a transformative health journey with Dr. Will Cole and his expert team! They’re experts at navigating complex autoimmune conditions and hormonal imbalances, and they’re ready to create a custom strategy to meet your unique health needs.

This isn’t about throwing medication after symptoms , it’s about designing a holistic health blueprint specifically for you. It’s like having your personal wellness champions, committed and geared up for your journey.

Facing challenges? No worries! Dr. Cole’s team will be with you, providing solid support and encouragement when you need it most. They’re all about being your rock in this journey.

The winning formula? The program champions self-love and celebration. It’s not only about improving your health, but it’s also about feeling great about yourself in the process. Get ready for a health journey with Dr. Cole and his team that’s rewarding, engaging, and tailored just for you.

You Get:Top-tier care from wherever you are! No stress, just focused, expert care in the comfort of your own space.

Cutting-Edge Proprietary Functional Medicine
Nutrition Protocols

Worksheets For Ahr Program

Leverage our expertise and years of clinical experience to build a solid nutritional foundation. With our pioneering protocols, learn to love foods that love you back and correct systemic imbalances at their core.

Build a robust nutritional foundation to optimize your body’s performance. Enjoy nutrient-dense foods that nourish your gut and brain while identifying and eliminating dysfunction-driving habits. Our advanced protocols teach you precisely what your body loves and needs.

Experience the Gut Nourishing Reset, a gentle yet powerful approach to revitalize your gut and microbiome. Unlock a tailored, comprehensive, and synergistic path to address core dysfunctions, conquer exhaustion, and embrace lasting, vibrant energy.

You Get: A comprehensive, tailored, and efficient path to synergistically address core systemic dysfunctions so that you can overcome exhaustion and inflammation and discover vibrant sustainable energy.

Cutting-Edge Proprietary Functional Medicine Nutrition Protocols:

Leverage our expertise and years of clinical experience to build a solid nutritional foundation. With our pioneering protocols, learn to love foods that love you back and correct systemic imbalances at their core.

Build a robust nutritional foundation to optimize your body’s performance. Enjoy nutrient-dense foods that nourish your gut and brain while identifying and eliminating dysfunction-driving habits. Our advanced protocols teach you precisely what your body loves and needs.

Experience the Gut Nourishing Reset, a gentle yet powerful approach to revitalize your gut and microbiome. Unlock a tailored, comprehensive, and synergistic path to address core dysfunctions, conquer exhaustion, and embrace lasting, vibrant energy.

You Get: A comprehensive, tailored, and efficient path to synergistically address core systemic dysfunctions so that you can overcome exhaustion and inflammation and discover vibrant sustainable energy.

Worksheets For Ahr Program

The Dr. Will Cole Natural Supplement Protocol


Exclusively designed for the Autoimmune Health Reset, our comprehensive natural supplement protocol addresses root cause issues. Expect reduced inflammation, heightened energy, sharper cognition, and enhanced digestion.

Comprehensive Approach: Your supplement protocol is thoughtfully designed to target root cause issues such as:

  • Combat Gut Problems: Efficiently address underlying gut problems.
  • Tackle Leaky Gut Syndrome: Comprehensive support for tackling and healing Leaky Gut Syndrome.
  • Stealth Infections: Effectively fight stealth infections, such as Lyme disease and co-infections.
  • Mold Toxins: Eliminate mycotoxins, harmful substances produced by mold that can impact your health.
  • Viruses: Robust protection against viruses such as EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus).
  • Parasites: Protection from the harmful effects of parasitic infections.
  • Heavy Metals: Efficient detoxification of heavy metals from your system.

You Get: Experience calmer inflammation, increased energy, clearer cognition, and improved digestion. Unlock sustainable hormone balance, effortless weight loss (if needed), and enhanced cellular energy production.

Unlock Success with Advanced Stress & Emotional Health Strategies:

Unlock Success with Advanced Stress & Emotional Health Strategies:

This is why our patients are so successful! We go beyond nutritional protocols and supplementation and address every aspect of your lifestyle that is keeping you from the true health your body is designed for!

The present moment matters. How we tackle life’s challenges can either lead to inflammation or instill balance, promoting health and vitality. Remember, you cannot heal a body you resent. It’s time to reconcile with your food, your body, and your health.

We champion the integral connection between physical and mental well-being. Learn to cultivate serenity, diminish inflammation, and allow your body to thrive.


You Get: A healing alliance with food and your body, combating chronic inflammation and stress. This revamped mindset fuels a serene and powerful journey towards a thriving, flourishing you!

Unlock Success with
Advanced Stress & Emotional
Health Strategies


Unlock Success with Advanced Stress & Emotional Health Strategies:

This is why our patients are so successful! We go beyond nutritional protocols and supplementation and address every aspect of your lifestyle that is keeping you from the true health your body is designed for!

The present moment matters. How we tackle life’s challenges can either lead to inflammation or instill balance, promoting health and vitality. Remember, you cannot heal a body you resent. It’s time to reconcile with your food, your body, and your health.

We champion the integral connection between physical and mental well-being. Learn to cultivate serenity, diminish inflammation, and allow your body to thrive.

You Get: A healing alliance with food and your body, combating chronic inflammation and stress. This revamped mindset fuels a serene and powerful journey towards a thriving, flourishing you!

Level Up with Exclusive Access to AHR Care & Community Mastermind


Dive into a transformative 16-week journey with our Autoimmune Health Reset (AHR) Mastermind, where you’ll have direct access to Dr. Will Cole and his Expert Health Coaches. Enjoy exclusive content, live training sessions, and the privilege of interacting with a supportive community who truly understands your journey.

You Get: Premium functional medicine education and personalized coaching, empowering you to take charge of your health and achieve sustained wellness.

Level Up with Exclusive Access to AHR Care & Community Mastermind


Dive into a transformative 16-week journey with our Autoimmune Health Reset (AHR) Mastermind, where you’ll have direct access to Dr. Will Cole and his Expert Health Coaches. Enjoy exclusive content, live training sessions, and the privilege of interacting with a supportive community who truly understands your journey.

You Get: Premium functional medicine education and personalized coaching, empowering you to take charge of your health and achieve sustained wellness.

AHR Exclusive



Coaching & Functional Medicine Expertise

  • Dr. Will Cole & his Expert Team
  • Personal Health and Success Coach
  • Exclusive Access to The AHR Care & Community Mastermind

Advanced Functional Medicine Nutrition Protocols: Food As Medicine

  • Autoimmune & Gut Healing Diet & Foundation Phase Protocols With Recipes & Cooking Instructions
  • Advanced Strategies & Case Specific Guidance

Professional Grade, Natural Supplement Formulas

  • Proprietary Supplementation Protocol formulated for you
    by Dr. Will Cole (full 90+ day supply)

AHR Exclusive



Coaching & Functional Medicine Expertise

  • Dr. Will Cole & his Expert Team
  • Personal Health and Success Coach
  • Exclusive Access to The AHR Care & Community Mastermind

Advanced Functional Medicine Nutrition Protocols: Food As Medicine

  • Autoimmune & Gut Healing Diet & Foundation Phase Protocols With Recipes & Cooking Instructions
  • Advanced Strategies & Case Specific Guidance

Professional Grade, Natural Supplement Formulas

  • Proprietary Supplementation Protocol formulated for you
    by Dr. Will Cole (full 90+ day supply)

AHR Exclusive



Coaching & Functional Medicine Expertise

  • Dr. Will Cole & his Expert Team
  • Personal Health and Success Coach
  • Exclusive Access to The AHR Care & Community Mastermind

Advanced Functional Medicine Nutrition Protocols: Food As Medicine

  • Autoimmune & Gut Healing Diet & Foundation Phase Protocols With Recipes & Cooking Instructions
  • Advanced Strategies & Case Specific Guidance

Professional Grade, Natural Supplement Formulas

  • Proprietary Supplementation Protocol formulated for you
    by Dr. Will Cole (full 90+ day supply)

Our 100% Dedication
Towards Your Health

Our heart and passion is to guide you to be successful and equip you with the tools to reclaim your wellness.

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Our 100% Dedication
Towards Your Health

Our heart and passion is to guide you to be successful and equip you with the tools to reclaim your wellness.

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The Breakdown

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The Breakdown

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